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 Appendix  The Divine Assembly from the AvataṃsakaSūtra in Sixty Rolls Name SyNopSiS of accompliShmeNtS aNd activitieS 1. great bodhisattvas (taeposal) All were spiritual mentors of Vairocana in previous lifetimes. They all cultivate a great ocean of meritorious virtue and all of the pāramitās. All acquire self-existence in the ocean of living beings. All acquire the universally worthy vow to satisfy the true bodies of all living beings. 2. vajra-wielding warriors (kŭmgangyŏksa) All make great vows to protect all the buddhas for limitless kalpas. They obtain immeasurable meritorious virtue and purity. 3. enlightenment-site gods (toryangsin) All make vows to practice in the presence of a buddha. 4. dragon gods (yongsin) All constantly adorn the dharma halls of the Tathāgatas for inconceivable kalpas in the past. 5. Earth gods (chisin) All arise from the same virtuous origin. They cultivate the vows and practices of the past buddhas. 6. tree gods (susin) All achieve the universal radiance of great happiness. 7. medicinal-herb gods (yakch’osin) All achieve the universal radiance of great compassion. 8. grain gods (koksin) All achieve the completion of great happiness. 9. river gods (hasin) All are able to benefit living beings with seminal diligence. 10. ocean gods (haesin) All are completely full of oceans of the Buddha’s immeasurable meritorious virtue. 11. fire gods (hwasin) All radiate and remove darkness for living beings. 12. wind gods (p’ungsin) All are able to harmonize with living beings causing beings to not dissipate and scatter. 13. gods of empty space (hŏgongsin) All of their minds are without blemish, firm, pure, and sublime. 14. gods who rule the directions (chubangsin) All are able to provide wholesome radiance to all living beings. 15. gods who rule the night (chuyasin) All are discreet and love music in aiding the religious teaching (Dharma of the Path, tobŏp). 16. gods who rule the day (chujusin) All have confidence in the ornamentation of the pleasurable True Dharma (chŏngbŏp). 17. asura gods (asurasin) All are able to subdue pride and debauchery. 18. garuḍa kings (karurawang) All have achieved expedient means to enrich living beings. 19. kinnara kings (kinnarawang) All are seminally diligent in encouraging living beings and are able to cause them to take pleasure in the Dharma.  Appendix  Name SyNopSiS of accompliShmeNtS aNd activitieS 20. mahoraga kings (mahoragawang) All remove the net of ignorance for living beings. 21. kumbhāṇḍa kings (kubanch’awang) All habitually cultivate unhindered dharma approaches. 22. kings of ghosts and spirits (kwisinwang) All are able to provide diligent protection for all living beings. 23. deities of the moon’s body (wŏlsinch’ŏnja) All diligently use wisdom and universally arouse unsurpassed jeweled thoughts in living beings. 24. deities of the sun (ilch’ŏnja) All complete clean and pure wholesome roots and desire constantly to indulge and benefit living beings. 25. kings of the heaven of the thirtythree gods (samsipsamch’ŏnwang) All prepare clean and pure wholesome roots and are able to cause living beings to be reborn in pure and sublime places. 26. kings of Yama’s heaven (Yamach’ŏnwang) All diligently cultivate and produce joy and contentment. 27. kings of Tuṣita Heaven (Tosolt’ach’ŏnwang) All achieve the dharma approaches to quiescence and subdue living beings. 28. kings of the heaven of the pleasure of transformations (hwarakch’ŏnwang) All complete the samādhi on recollecting the Buddha (yŏmbul sammae). 29. kings of the heaven of the self-existence of others’ transformations (t’ahwajajaech’ŏnwang) All diligently cultivate the True Dharma of self-existence. 30. kings of the heaven of great Brahmā(taebŏmch’ŏnwang) All are full of great mercy to ferry and liberate living beings, and they radiantly remove defilements. They are clear and cool, soft and pliant. 31. kings of the heaven of light and sound (kwangŭmch’ŏnwang) All peacefully dwell in dharma approaches of the light of happiness and expansive bliss. 32. kings of the heaven of universal purity (p’yŏnjŏngch’ŏnwang) All constantly cause living beings to dwell peacefully in expansive bliss. 33. deities of the heaven of results and reality (kwasilch’ŏnja) All dwell wholesomely in mental approaches to quiescence. 34. deities of immeasurable pure abodes (muryangchŏnggŏch’ŏn) All have cultivated dharma realms of the signless and equanimity. Source: From Dafangguangfohuayanjing 1, T 278, 9.395b–397a. ...
