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Notes ABBREVIATIONS AGS: Ministerio de Cultura, Archivo General de Simancas, Spain AM: Außenministerium (Foreign Ministry), Dresden BaHStA: Bayrisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Munich BArchF: Bundesarchiv Freiburg BArchL: Bundesarchiv Lichterfelde, Berlin BMH: Bishop Museum, Honolulu BoP: Nachlaß Wilhelm von Bode (Bode Papers), Berlin BrP: William T. Brigham papers, Honolulu FMNH: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago FrP: Friederici papers, Hamburg GStA-PK: Geheimes Staatsarchiv—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin HAStK: Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln, Cologne HstAH: Hauptstaatsarchiv Hamburg HStAS: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart KB: Kopierbücher (Copies of Correspondence Sent), Leipzig LiMSt: Linden Museum Stuttgart LuP: Nachlaß Felix von Luschan (Luschan Papers), Berlin MA Außenministerium, Munich MfVD: Museum für Völkerkunde, Dresden MfVH: Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg MfVL: Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig MfVM: Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich MK: Kultusministerium (Cultural Ministry), Munich MNZHUB: Museum für Naturkunde Zentralinstitut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin MV: Minsterium für Volksbildung (Cultural Ministry), Dresden R 1001: Reichskolonialamt (German Colonial Office File), Berlin RJMfV: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum für Völkerkunde, Cologne RM: Reichsmarine (Imperial Naval Files), Freiburg SächHStAD: Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Dresden SB-PK: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library) SchP: Nachlaß Heinrich Schnee (Schnee Papers), Berlin SMB-PK, MV: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Museum für Völkerkunde (Berlin Ethnological Museum) SMB-PK, ZA: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Zentralarchiv (Central Archive), Berlin SSE: Südsee Expedition, Hamburg ÜMB: Übersee Museum Bremen 171 INTRODUCTION:TOWARD A GLOBAL HISTORY OF ANTHROPOLOGY 1. The literature on the increasing dialogue between anthropology and history is growing quickly. One of the pioneers of this endeavor is Bernard S. Cohn, whose most influential essays are collected in An Anthropologist among the Historians and Other Essays (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). For a political economy standpoint consult Eric Wolf, Europe and the People without History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982), and William Roseberry, Anthropologies and Histories: Essays in Culture, History, and Political Economy (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1989). Works that incorporate recent postmodern perspectives are David W. Cohen, The Combing of History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994); John and Jean Comaroff, Ethnography and the Historical Imagination (Boulder: Westview Press, 1992); Bronwen Douglas, Across the Great Divide: Journeys in History and Anthropology (Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998). James D. Fabion provides an interesting starting point in his “History in Anthropology,” Annual Review of Anthropology 22 (1993): 35–54. 2. Jerry H. Bentley, Shapes of World History in Twentieth-Century Scholarship (Washington , DC: American Historical Association, 1996), 22. 3. Alex Calder, Jonathan Lamb, and Bridget Orr, “Introduction: Postcoloniality and the Pacific,” in Voyages and Beaches: Pacific Encounters: 1769–1840, ed. Alex Calder, Jonathan Lamb, and Bridget Orr (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 1999), 7. 4. Some examples of this approach are Marshall Sahlins, Anahulu: The Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawaii, vol. 1: Historical Ethnography (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992). Sahlins argues that Hawaiian chiefs’ conspicuous consumptions exasperated the arrival of Western economic forces. Nicholas Thomas, Entangled Objects: Exchange, Material Culture and Colonialism in the Pacific (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991), argues for a localizing understanding of exchange between Oceanic and Euro-American players. For a general overview of cultural history and the role of anthropology in the same, see Patrick Manning, Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past (New York: Palgrave, 2003), chapter 13. Although Manning intends the concept in a somewhat different manner, the above authors would fit in his microcultural analytical scheme. 5. Wolf, Europe, 13. 6. On a general theoretical treatment of fieldwork, see Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson , eds., Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1997). For the development of fieldwork in British anthropology , see George Stocking, After Tylor: British Social Anthropology (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995); on the shift in funding priorities, see George Stocking, “Philanthropoids and Vanishing Cultures: Rockefeller Funding and the End of the Museum Era in Anglo -American Anthropology,” in The Ethnographer’s Magic and Other Essays in Anthropology, ed. George Stocking (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1992), 178–211. 7. See, for instance, Peter Pels and Oscar Salemink, “Introduction: Locating Colonial Subjects of Anthropology,” in Colonial Subjects: Essays on the Practical History of Anthropology, ed. Peter Pels and Oscar Salemink (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999), 1–52. 8. Marvin Harris, The Rise of Anthropological Theory (New York: Thomas Crowell, 1968). Harris’ work privileges cultural materialism...
