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189 index acceptance, 44 – 45 mastery or, 45 Adam, 131, 136, 146 –147 addressing, 35–37 affection: and response, 40 agnostics, 179–181 appropriateness, 39– 40 arrogance, 80–81, 83 atheism, 154 –156, 161–164, 167–173 atheists and, 178–179 Christianity and, 171–173 being, 85, 164 –166, 182 belief, 99–100 character, 20 choice, 75–77 Christians, 157–160 Christianity, 114 –116 atheism and, 171–173 praxis and, 173–175 conscience, 74 –75, 129 conversation, 37 culture, 113 American, 111 decline of, 114 dative, 9–12 death, 124 –130 dependence, 77–80 independence and, 25–26 Descartes, René, 89–97 ethics of, 92–93 Desire, 81–84 destiny, 129 dialogue, 37 distrust, 13–15 education: religious, 117–118 entrusting, 17–19, 33– 46 ethics, 74 –75, 170 atheist, 170 Christian, 173–175 eudaimonia, 119 evil, 121–124, 130–133 faith: and belief, 99–100 Christian, 114 –116 in God, 156 –160 in reason, 95–96 reason and, 104 –107 religious, 152–160 friendship, 28–29 God, 99–103, 106 –107, 111, 118–119, 127, 138–148, 160–165, 177–179 existence of, 139–141, 161–163, 168 faith in, 160–165 190 Index God (continued) gods and, 153–156 idols and, 160–165 love of, 181–182 philosophy and, 165–169 trust in, 107–108 good: and evil, 121–124 guilt, 133–135 pardon and, 176 –179 habits, 18–20 happiness, 119–120 Hegel, G.W.F., 95–96 on faith in reason, 95–96 hope, 72–73 hubris, 126, 131 humility, 79–81, 140 I: and me, 73–75 myself and, 73–75 idol(s), 160–162, 164 –165 infinity, 161–162, 165–166 Jesus, 106, 157, 168–169, 171, 173–175 Job, 168–169 life, 5–6, 70–75 meaning of, 117–119 love, 43, 101, 103, 118–119, 128, 152, 173–175, 177–179, 182 master and slave, 21, 28 meaning, 5–6, 129 of life, 180–182 method, 4 –6 nature, 60–64, 67 pardon, 176 –179 philosophia, 105–107, 151, 167 philosophy, 87–98 poiesis versus praxis, 70 praxis and poiesis, 70 religion, 1–2, 6, 83, 100–104, 114, 116 –119, 151–157 risks, 18–19 self, 73–75 sociality, 37 speaking: about and to, 35–39 suffering, 135–148, 168 faith in God and, 135–138 technology, 64 –67 theism, 158 theodicy, 141–142 thinking, 38 theology, 105–107 tradition, 110 tragedy, 168–169 trust: asymmetrical, 28–29 in culture, 60–64 as dative, 9–12 Desire and, 81–84 desires and, 81–83 an ethics of, 39– 44 horizontal or vertical, 26 –28 mutual, 21–22 religion and, 32, 111–116 in search for understanding, 106 –107 social, 49–50 society and, 29–32 as turning toward, 12–13, 37–38 as union, 10–11, 41 trustworthiness, 15–18, 20, 41 of institutions, 54 –58 of the society, 50–54 turning to, 11–13, 37–38 universe, 109 trust in the, 163 utopia, 55 will, 19–21, 41– 46, 51–52, 131–134, 139, 141, 159 wisdom, 5 ...
