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Index abstraction, 27, 29, 31, 120 accommodated statement (Calvin), 70–71 Adoration of the Golden Calf, The (Poussin), 14, 121, 122, 125–26 African Traditional Religion 296 agnosticism, 32, 34–35 Alacoque, Margaret-Mary, St., 90–95, 108; and erotics of pain or suffering, 91–92, 96, 97; Marian orientation of, 94–95; and Sacred Heart of Jesus, 90, 91–92; alasitas, 198–99, 202–10 Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, Submission, 292–93 al-Tijânı̂, Ahmad (Tijaniyya Sufi order), 192 Andeans, 199–200. See also Bolivia Andersen, David, 67–68 animism, 27, 29–30 An-Ski, The Dybbuk, 133, 134–35 anthropology of religion, xv Appadurai, Arjun, The Social Life of Things, 201 art, 120–21, 133, 228; depictions of holy milk in, 226–27 and religion, 9–10, 170–73. See also sacred portraits Artificial Reality. See Virtual Reality Artificial Reality (Krueger), 373 Arweck, Elizabeth, 7 Asad, Talal, 268 bad objecthood, 13–14 Basler Mission 302 Batoni, Pompeo, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, 98, 106 Baudrillard, Jean, 115–16 Bayero, Abdullahi, 192 belief, 2; critique of, as guiding concept for religion, 3; New Age and, 344, 345; in Protestantism , 9; E. B. Tylor on, 10 Belting, Hans, 5 Benedikt, Michael, Cyberspace First Steps, 357 4 75 Benjamin, Walter, 15 Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality (Sutcliffe and Bowman), 343 Bible: and conservative theologies, 57; Friday apostolics’ rejection of, 43–44; and liberal theologies, 57–58; materiality of, 57–59 Bin Laden, Osama, 15 biofeedback, 370–72 Blake, William, 14, 117–19 Blavatsky, Madame, 36–37, 347 blasphemy, 320 blood, 219; of Christ, 12; in Christianity, 20–21, 215, 220–23; gender and, 220–25, 230; in Islam, 20–21, 215, 223–25; kinship and, 218; as metaphor in social life, 218–19; and political protest, 13, 21, 232–45, 236, 237, 239, 246–47; and Virgin Mary, 222 bodily fluids: gender messages and, 216; kinship and, 217; as matter out of place, 218; protest movements and, 239–40; ritual cleansing and, 219; substance of religion and, 217–18; symbolic function, 218. See also blood, milk Böhme, Hartmut, 15 Bolivia, 198–206 Brand, Stewart, 366 Brandt, Galen, 373–74 Brautigan, Richard, 363–64 brotherhoods: in Cameroon, 195; Sufism and, 20, 190–91 Brown, Bill, 16, 299, 300, 305, 317 Brown, Dan, The Da Vinci Code, 346–47 Brownson, Orestes, 106–8 Buddha and Buddhism, 19, 78–80, 82–88; African hypothesis regarding, 85–86; Bamiyan figures of, 15; Clement of Alexandria on, 78; dematerialization and, 8; European references to, 77–78, 81; as idolatry, 80; King Chulalongkorn and, 9, 138; statues of, 14, 84–88, 89 I N D E X Burnouf, Eugène, 18, 86–87 Burns, Daniel. See Catholic Worker Movement Butler, Judith, 5, 6 Calvary Day (Bolivia), 200–201 Calvin, John, and Calvinism, 72; accommodated statement and, 70–71; David Andersen on, 67–68; capitalism and, 62; communicatio idiomatum and, 70; cosmology of, 71–72; on divine presence, 19; Eucharist and, 12, 62–63; middle ground and, 65; extra calvinisticum of, 16, 63, 66–67; incarnation and, 66; Institutes, 66–67; materiality and, 33, 62, 68–69; modernity and, 74; sacraments and, 65–66, 69 Calvin’s Ideas (Helm), 70 Cameroon, 187–90, 193–96 capitalism: John Calvin and, 62; ideolatry and (Mitchell), 115; Protestantism and, 9 ‘‘Capitalism as Religion’’ (Benjamin), 15 cards, holy, (santinhos), 330 Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), 22, 321, 332; charismata and, 327–28; coincidence vs. providence and, 324; electronic media and, 13, 322; iconography and, 321–24; imitatio dei and, 329; saints and, 328–30 Catholic Pentecostal Movement. See Catholic Charismatic Renewal Catholic Worker Movement, 21, 232–33, 235–36, 241–42, 243–44, 245–46; The Catholic Worker, 235; origins of, 234–35; protest and, 233–34; St. Patrick’s Four and, 233–38; as ‘‘thing friendly,’’ 301 Catholicism: blood and, 215, 221–22; charismatic movements, in 251–52; in the Netherlands, 382–83, 385–88; popular, 329; Sacred Heart of Jesus in, 102; saints in, 328, 329–30; Scripture and, 60 Certeau, Michel de, 154 charismata, 327–28 Chidester, David, 6 Christian imagery: in Ghana, 296–97, 311–13, 315–16; film and, 316; Pentecostal attitudes to, 297–98; prayers and, 309–10; Protestant missionaries and, 302–6; race and, 307; spiritual experience and, 310. See also Jesus pictures 4 76 Chulalongkorn. See King Chulalongkorn churching, 221–22 Church of All Worlds, 347 churinga (Australian), 30 citizenship and culturalization, 282 Clarke, Arthur C., 362–63 cleansing, ritual...
