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73 ACKnoWLeDGMentS Some of these poems originally appeared in the following publications: Beloit Poetry Journal (“Bootleg,” “High Tide,” “Look, Look,” “Poem to Be Read at 30,000 Feet,” “Upon Reading That Abraham Lincoln Spent His Summer Nights as President at a Cottage on the Grounds of the Soldiers’ Home on the Outskirts of Washington Rather than at the White House, and that He and Edwin M. Stanton , His Secretary of War, Spent the Better Part of One Evening in 1864 Untangling Two Peacocks that Had Become Ensnared in a Tree,” “Watson”); Crazyhorse (“Girl with Her Tongue Stuck Out,” “Sleep Comes to Mary Todd Lincoln”); Field (“CrossCountry ,” “Girl on the People Mover”); 5 AM (“Dog Dying”); Georgia Review (“Night Rain,” “When Dylan Left Hibbing, Minnesota, August, 1959”); New York Quarterly (“Killing Mice, December,” “Undiscovering America”); Ploughshares (“Sorrow”); Poetry (“For the Man with the Erection Lasting More than Four Hours”); Poetry Daily (“Watson”); Redactions (“Overflow”); Sahara (“Blind Boy, Fourth of July”); Slate Magazine (“At the Optometrist’s Office,” “Driving Back from Crotched Mountain , Winter Storm, New Year’s Eve,” “On the Occasion of My Two-Year-Old Granddaughter ’s First Attempts at an Elvis Impression, I Recall the Difficulties of Her Birth”); Sun (“After the Reading, Driving Back to Massachusetts with Jim Beschta, I Think of the Men who Hold the World in Their Hands”); Willow Springs (“Upon Seeing a Former Lover Pull Up Next to Me at the Intersection of Metaphysics Lane and Memorial Drive,” “Upon Reading a Poem Entitled ‘Upon Seeing a Former Lover Pull Up Next to Me at the Intersection of Metaphysics Lane and Memorial Drive,’” “Upon Reading that Tatiana Yakovleva, Mayakovsky’s Lover, Separated from Him by the Stalin Purges, Had Married and Was Four Months Pregnant when Mayakovsky Killed Himself,” “Witness”); Worcester Review (“Teachers,” “On Finding My Dead Father at the Worcester Art Museum”). ...
