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• 135 hip hop hopi hope —For the Hip-Hop Generation The Hopi believe the Revolution will happen when there are many homeless people on the roads. The Beats believed this too, Snyder and Kerouac in The Dharma Bums. These people will be known by a name that sounds like Hopi. Hobo is from ho! beau! French for hey boy! a nineteenth-century call of greeting among American vagrants and American women from the back porches of their farmhouses calling to the hoe and rucksacked men tramping by on the roads and tracks to hire them a French boy through the haremed girls to the hungry American boys beating the roads Beau. Boy. Bum. Bohemian. Beatnik from the Beatitudes meaning happy, hopeful, blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are the meek and the hip-full mothers Gypsy is from Egypt which is really Greek and pronounced hee hip. Hee hip son. He and her and their son. Ho! Hippie is a Sioux word meaning “he is there, she is here, they are everywhere” holy, happy, homo, hepcat, hipster, hippie, homey, helpless, homeless, ho hippity hop, hopilong bebop and hop scotch to • 136 I and I from Babylon to Hip Hop O Hopi let us hope —1976, 1993, 2005 ...
