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Index Abeniacar, Y., 240n Acansas, 333 Acomb, Frances, 272n Acosta, Jose de, 4n, 7, 17, 27, 28, 30, 46n, 57n, 58n, 71, 84, 85, 108n, l33n, 135n, 141n, 178, 201n, 203, 205n, 206, 214n, 224n, 226, 297, 321n, 449, 566-68, 583 Adam, testament of, 130 Adams, Abigail, 249 Adams, Ephraim Douglas, 339n Adams, Henry, 5IOn Adams, John, 95n, 127n, 248, 262n, 269, 270n, 279, 340, 470 Adams, Percy G., 7n, 54n, 84n, 85n, 161n, 214n, 260n, 352n Adams, Thomas, 269 Adanson, Michel, 32n Adickes, Erich, 47n, 329n, 330n, 33ln, 332n Africa: black race in, 15n, 110,203, 31On, 399, 431,448,457; as cradle of civilization, 287; fauna of, 29, 333, 398, 416, 428, 449, 569; for Hegel, 423-24; homo sylvestris in, 333; lack of rivers in, 445; lunar, 424; for Schlegel, 446n; slave trade in, 433; southern, capes and peninsulas of, 428; southern, fauna of, 256n, 449 Agave, 300 Agra, 487n Agrarian idealism, 598-602 Ahuacati, 20 I Alaska, 620n, 623 Albergati Capacelli, Francesco, 610 Albertus Magnus, 75n Alcedo Herrera, Antonio de, 307, 322n Alcibiades, 116 Alcoholic beverages, 432, 598n, 602n Aldovrandi, Ulisse, 17 Aldridge, Alfred Owen, 360n Aleardi, Aleardo, 142,354, 386n Alejo, Diaz, 568n Alexander the Great, 163, 592n Alexander VI (pope), 129 Alfieri, Vittorio, 268 Algarotti, Francesco, 90n, 106, 109n, 236, 380,611 Allegheny Mountains, 361n, 474, 502n Allen, Don Cameron, 8n, 24n, 29n, 59n, 60n, 62n, 84n, 141, 568n Allen, Hervey, 469n, 506n, 507n Allen, Poo 62n Alligator, 55, 449, 466, 537 Almagro, Diego de, 214n Alpaca, 28, 308, 449 Alsop, George, 526 Alsop, Richard, 212n, 455n Altamira, Rafael, 233n Alvarez Lopez, E., 251n, 567n, 568n Amantes del Pais, 183-84 Amat, Manuel de, 216n Amazonia, 105, 155, 245n Amazon River, 399n, 527n Amazons, 106, 234n, 615n, 621n Ameghino, Florentino, 553 Amelotti, Giovanni, 389n America: and antiquity, 206, 209, 239, 244, 552-56, 605; castles absent in, 363; catastrophes in, 49, 58, 91, 100, 115, 328n, 358, 360, 369, 398, 399, 400, 454, 474; cereals in, 119, 201,299; coldness of, 159-60,311; devoid of poetry, 344-45, 354, 547; fecundity of, 107n, 211 n, 250, 321; forests of, 8n, 14, 92n, 225, 257n, 353-55, 378n, 379, 449, 485-86; as heir of Europe, 128, 157,510,539; as humid continent , 7-14, 49, 60-62, 113, 145, 155, 214n, 282,287,500, 565n, 593, 606; humidity of, denied, 200, 225, 255-57, 268, 369,403-04, 421; impotence of, 426,582-83; landscape nationalism in, 184-85, 245, 246, 354, 511, 513, 527; languages of, 224n, 230-31, 506n, 614n; mineralogy of, 226n, 258n, 360-62, 671 406; mines in, 185, 205n, 214n; mountains of, 46, 112, 159,287,398,425,562,606; nature luxuriant in, 184, 227, 408-09; newness of, 14,49, 119, 154,253, 363,425,455; North and South contrasted, 92, 401, 433, 436, 554-55; plants improved in, 226, 273; precious stones in, 101, 119, 121, 181; as refuge of dregs of Europe, 248, 337-38, 340, 347; scarcity of food in, 44, 331; scarcity of inhabitants of, 5, 44, 47,54,61,99, 107, 119, 155,178,230,331,447,570,608; as source of poetry, 364, 527n, 538n; stature of inhabitants of, 242-44, 510n, 515, 534; unreclaimed , 91, 421, 500-01; vastness of, 159, 234n, 241n, 245, 281, 340n; vegetables transplanted to, 297, 322, 327, 331,400; 672 Index America (continued) vegetation of, 356, 425, 448-49, 547; as world's refuge, 251, 351, 366, 371, 443, 447, 544; youthfulness of, 282, 316-17, 340, 547, 559, See also Animals; Flood; Fruit, in America; Geniuses, America's lack of; United States; and names of ind;,'idual cities, countries, rivers, and states A merikakunde, 326n Amerikamiiden, 491n Ammonites, 427 Amoroso, F" 359n Ampere, Jean-Jacques, 196n, 260n, 267n, 478n, 488n,49In,495n, 504n, 526n, 540n, 562n Amumitegui, Miguel Luis, 217n, 293n, 556 Anaxagoras, 362 Andes, 62, 160~ 308, 309, 399, 425, 438n, 465, 466,486,563 Angle, Paul M., 498n Animals: absence of wild, in America, 160, 525-26, 559, 565n, 608; American domestic, degenerate, 5, 88, 90, 98, 227, 229n, 281, 400; American domestic, nondegenerate, 104, 190, 195, 213n, 229n, 258, 273, 331, 462, 571, 621n; degenerated in America, 5, 101, 115n, 160,226; domestic and wild, 26, 41On; feeble, in America, 160, 426-28; fixity of dimensions of, 255, 427; harmless, in America, 160, 343, 373, 525, 559,608; less bulky, in America, 3-4, 55, 226-27, 249,449-50...
