In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX Note: Page numbers in italic type indicate photographs or illustrations. 347 Aberdeen, Lady, , , , , , n activists, –, –, , –, , , , – Addams, Jane,  Adler, Victor, n Adzhemov (Kadet deputy),  agrarian policy,  Akchurin, Josef, – Akhtiamov, I., – Aladin, Alexei,  Aleksinskii (Duma deputy),  Alexander I, Tsar,  Alexander II, Tsar, , , , n, n Alexander III, Tsar, , ,  Allender, Nina,  All-Russian Conference of Soviets,  All-Russian Congress of Women (), ,  All-Russian Muslim Soviet,  Ancharova, Maria,  Andreas-Salomé, Lou,  Andreeva, Elizaveta,  Andronov (Octobrist),  Anikin, S. V.,  Anthony, Susan B., , ,  anti-Semitism, –, , , , n, n Arbore-Ralli, Ekaterina, , n Arbore-Ralli, Zemfira,  Argamakov, Alexander Pavlovich,  Arian, Moisei,  Arian, Praskov’ia Belenkaia, –, –, , , , , , , , , , , n Armand, Inessa, ,  Artsybashev, Mikhail, Sanin,  Asquith, Herbert,  Astrakahantsev (Social Democrat),  Astrov, Nikolai,  Auclert, Hubertine, n Australia, , , n Austria, , , , n, n Austria-Hungary,  Avilova, Evgeniia, –,  Backer, Anna, , ,  Bagaeva, E. F., , n Bailes, Kendall, – Bakunina, Ekaterina V., ,  Balabanoff, Angelica,  Balk, A. P.,  banquets, liberal,  Bashkirtseva, Maria,  Bauman, Nicholas,  Bebel, August, , , , n Beilis, Mendel, n, n Beketov, Andrei,  Bekhterev, Vladimir, ,  Belgium, , n, n Belokonskaia, Valeriia (Vera) Nikolaevna Levandovskaia, –, , , , ,  Belokonskii, Ivan Petrovich,  Belozerskaia, Nadezhda, , –,  Berednikov, Sergei Grigor’evich, n Bernstein, Laurie,  Bervi-Kaidanova, Olga, – Besant, Annie,  Bestuzhev courses, , , , –, , , , n Bez zaglaviia (Without a title) [journal], n Bezobrazova, Maria Vladimirovna, , , , ; Philosophical etudes,  Birzhevaia vedomosti (Stock market gazette), – Black, Naomi, n Black Hundreds, – Black Partition, n Blandova, Maria, , , , –, , , ,  Bloody Sunday,  Bobrikov, Nikolai,  Bochkareva, Maria, ,  Bogel’man, Sofia,  Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Martha,  Bolshakova (schoolteacher),  Bolsheviks, , ; and February Revolution, ; feminist organizations closed by, , , , n; feminists harassed by, , ; and the First AllRussian Women’s Congress, –, –; and International Women’s Day, –; on the Jewish question, n; and October Revolution, ; and Petrograd march, ; and unions, ; voter intimidation by, ; and the woman question, ; and women workers, –; and women’s clubs, –; and women’s rights, ,  Borman, Alfred, – Bosh, Evgeniia,  bourgeoisie: feminists and, –, –, , –, , n; marriage among, ; politics of,  Breshko-Breshkovskaia (Socialist Revolutionary), , ,  Britain, –, , . See also England Briusov, Valerii,  Bukharin, Nikolai,  Bulanova-Trubnikova, Ol’ga Konstantinovna, n Bulygin Duma,  Bumakova, Z. N.,  Burdakova, Maria, ,  Burdzhalov, E. N., n Burns, Lucy,  Butler, Josephine,  Canada,  Catt, Carrie Chapman, , n censorship, , , , – 348 INDEX Central Bureau of Trade Unions, ,  Central Organization of Social Democratic Women,  Chaikovskii, Nikolai,  charity. See philanthropy Charnotskaia, Anna Nikolaevna,  Chatterjee, Choi, , n Chebotarevskaia, Anastasia,  Chebysheva-Dmitrieva, Evgeniia, –, , ,  Chekhov, Anton,  Chekhov, Nikolai, –, –, , , , , ,  Chekhova, Ekaterina, , –, , , ,  Chekhova, Maria Argamakova, , –, –, , , , , –, –, , –, , , , , , , , , , , –, n, n Chernosvitov (Kadet politician),  Chernov, Victor,  Chernyshevskii, Nicholas, What Is to Be Done?,  Chertkova, Vera,  Chervinskaia, S. F.,  Chicago World’s Fair (),  child labor,  Children’s Club,  Children’s Committee,  China, , n Chkeidze, Nikolai, – Cholovskaia (writer),  Chukovskii, Kornei,  class: in early-twentieth-century Russia, –; and equality, ; feminism and, –; gender and, ; Petrograd march and, ; and women’s rights, , . See also bourgeoisie; male workers; peasant men; peasant women; women workers Club of the Women’s Progressive Party, , , , –, , , , , ,  coeducation,  congresses, . See also All-Russian Congress of Women (); First All-Russian Congress against the Trade in Women; First All-Russian Congress on Women’s Education; First All-Russian Women’s Congress consciousness raising. See gender consciousness Constituent Assembly elections, , , – Constitutional-Democratic Party (Kadet Party): and anti-Semitism, ; criticism of, ; decline of, ; in the Duma, –, , ; and equal rights, –; feminists in, ; and the First AllRussian Women’s Congress, , , ; formation of, , ; in Progressive Bloc, ; Tyrkova and, , , ; and women’s rights, ; and women’s suffrage, –, –, –, , –, ,  Cook Islands, n Cossacks,  Council of Ministers, , ,  Crosley, Pauline,  Czarna Ksiazeczka (The yellow ticket) [film], n Czechoslovakia, , n Damskii mir (Ladies world) [journal],  Davydova, Alexandra,  Davydova, Lidiia,  De Gaulle, Charles,  Dekhtereva, Sofia,  democracy,  Denikin, Anton,  Denmark, , , ,  The Devil’s Pawn (film), n difference feminism, ,  discrimination: in education, –, ; in employment, ; gender roles and,  divorce,  Dlia narodnogo uchitelia (For the public school teacher) [journal],  doctors, as women’s organization leaders,  Dodonova, A. A.,  Dolgorukov, Prince, ,  Domostroi, , n Doroshevskaia, Lidiia,  Dostoevsky, Fyodor,  Drozdova, Anna, – DuBois, Ellen, ,  Dubrovina, O. I.,  Dukhanina, Ekaterina,  Duma: boycott of, , , –; discrimination on staff of, ; dissolution of, , , ; and equal rights, –; and factory inspection, ; female lobbying of, ; First, , –; Fourth, , –; government promise of, ; membership of, , , , , n; opening of, ; and prostitution, ; Second, –; Third, –, –; woman question in, , ; and women’s rights, –, –, –, –, –; Women’s Union and, –, –, , – Dybenko, Pavel,  economic situation of women, –, –,  Editorial Bureau, of Women’s Congress, – Edmondson, Linda, , , , , , , n, n educated women, , –. See also intelligentsia, female education: congress on, –; discrimination in, –, ; feminism and, ; women’s, , –, , , –, , , , , –, –, , ; Women’s Congress resolutions on, –; of women’s rights activists, –; workers’,  Education Congress. See First All-Russian Congress on Women’s Education Efimenko, Alexandra, ,  electoral law of June , , , , n Elizarova-Ulianova, Anna. See Ulianova-Elizarova, Anna Il’inichna Emmons, Terry, , n Engel, Barbara Alpern, , , n Engelstein, Laura,  engineering education,  England, –, , , , . See also Britain equality: aspects of...
