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A P P E N D I X A . I N T E R V I E W S C O N D U C T E D Date of ID # Professional experience interview  University professor //  University professor //  Chávez campaign insider,  //, //  Expert on Venezuelan campaign finance (by e-mail) //  Chávez campaign insider,  //  Chávez campaign insider,  //  Expert on corruption //  Expert on Venezuelan politics //  Expert on corruption //  Expert on corruption, former anti-corruption // bureaucrat  Expert on corruption //  Expert on corruption //  Former anti-corruption bureaucrat //  Former anti-corruption legislator //  Former anti-corruption bureaucrat //  Former legislator //  Former president of FEDECAMARAS //  Former anti-corruption legislator //  Former president of FEDECAMARAS //  Former president of FEDECAMARAS //  Conglomerate executive //  Former president of FEDECAMARAS //  Former president of FEDECAMARAS //  Former president of a sectoral business association //  Former president of a sectoral business association //  Date of ID # Professional experience interview  Former anti-corruption legislator //  Conglomerate executive, former president of a // sectoral business association  Conglomerate executive, former president of // business association  Business executive //  Former president of a sectoral business association //  Conglomerate associate, business association // policy analyst  Expert on Venezuelan state-business relations //  Former president of a business association //  Conglomerate executive, former president of a // sectoral business association  Former conglomerate executive, former businocrat //  Expert on Venezuelan state-business relations, // former economic minister  Former president of a sectoral business association //  Business consultant, former president of a sectoral // business association  Former conglomerate executive, former businocrat //  Conglomerate executive, former president of a sectoral business association //  Former president of business association //  Conglomerate executive //  Former conglomerate executive, former businocrat //  Former businocrat //  Conglomerate associate, business association // policy analyst  Business consultant //  Conglomerate associate, business association // policy analyst  Former business executive, former businocrat //  Former business executive, former businocrat //  Former economic minister // Appendix A  ...
