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Index Abercrombie, Thomas, 10, 157 absence, 191–92, 213, 216; of witness in legal proceedings, 217 Acosta, José de, 67–68, 273 n. 18, 274 nn. 18–19 Africa, 98, 104, 256 African American, 33, 43; identity of, 34 Africans, 9, 29, 34–37, 50, 57–58, 97, 99, 114–15, 134, 185, 195, 235, 293 n. 35; as interpreters, 281 n. 52. See also casta agency, indigenous: authorship and, 19; cultural creation and, 9 Alberti, Leon Battista, 54, 180, 208, 238 Aldana. See Pastás Alexander VII, Pope, 104 allegory, 60, 71, 90, 97; in portrait, 54, 59 Alonso X, King of Spain, 127 alphabet, 113, 116, 130, 140, 148–50, 170; as form of literacy, 6; as ordering of chaos, 221; in previously oral societies, 5; ritual Zapotec use of, 287 n. 2; Roman/Latin, 117 alterity, 26, 32, 42, 49–52, 116, 122, 154–56, 257; absence of signs of, 33; of criollos, in relation to Spain, 268 n. 9; embodiment of, in costume, 28; fear and loathing of, 55; as means of political legitimization , 48 Álvarez, Bartolomé, 126–28, 166, 291 n. 25 ambiguity: of alphabetic script, 210; of androgyny , 55; of ceremonial objects, 245; of ritual acts, 204; of signatures, 204 American-born Europeans (criollos), 35–36, 57–58, 91, 92, 101, 115, 123, 128 Americas, 35, 42, 57–59, 65–71, 74, 78, 85–86, 90–93, 98, 102, 104, 111–13, 117, 131, 147, 185, 191, 196, 218, 222, 250, 257; new pictorial genres in, 77 ancestry, 114–15 Anderson, Benedict, 31, 229 Andes, 31, 40, 42, 46, 69, 71, 77, 84, 105, 116, 118, 122, 132, 137, 147, 155–59, 175, 179, 185, 193, 213, 227, 232, 235, 240, 246–47, 254; violent evangelization in, 280 n. 49 androgyny, 59, 74; as blurring of boundaries , 55 Ángel, El, 121–22, 158 ángeles arcabuceros. See angels angels, 63, 73, 252; Archangel Baraquiel, 71; Archangel Michael, 136; as catechumens , 313 n. 22; with muskets, 71, 74–75, 77; paintings of, 275 n. 25 animation through ventriloquism, 80 Anthony of Padua, Saint, 92, 253, 278 n. 39 antiquity, 65, 68, 155, 257; in documents, 160–61; falsification of, 173; New World and, 67, 274 n. 19 354 • • • index Antonio, San. See Anthony of Padua, Saint Apostle, 67, 85 Arabic language, 197, 270 n. 17 Aragon, 35–36 arch: as diagnostic of religious architecture , 235; ephemeral, 216, 235, 245, 308 n. 38 architecture, 83–84, 221; as cultural literacy , 153; as manifestation of urban grid, 225; as ordering of space, 222; of volume vs. of mass, 80; painted, 86; planar properties of, 237; ritual and, 229, 240; Serlio and, 240 archive, 161–62, 170, 184, 230; creation of, 153–54, 156, 173; within colonial legal system, 187; definition of, 160 arte de la pintura, El (Pacheco), 54 artists, 16, 50, 92, 105, 154, 182, 192, 249, 273 n. 15, 280 n. 45; local techniques of, 106, 111; Mexican, 74; native, 37, 104, 179, 254; position of, 50; schools for, 103; scribes and, 205; skill of, 140; social status of, 38 Asia, 139, 142 Assa, Raphael, 163, 169 Atagualpa, Alonso de, 3, 292 n. 28 Atahualpa, 3, 132, 292 n. 28 audiencia, 85, 194, 196, 293 n. 36; of Quito, 19, 36, 47, 143–48, 150, 158, 312 n. 15; ritualized entrance of royal seal into, 213; of Santafé, 1, 19, 40, 264 n. 3. See also Royal Court Augustinian Order, 93, 216, 280 n. 46 Ayacucho. See Huamanga Ayala, Martín de, 179–80, 182, 301 n. 31. See also Guaman Malque, Domingo ayllu, 230. See also kinship Aymara (ethnic group), 71, 157; literacy of, 296 n. 2 Aztec, 33, 115, 205; Roman deities and, 274 n. 18 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 44 baptism, 65, 99, 165, 252, 280 n. 49; books of, 240, 311 n. 11; as marker of difference, 237; records of, 220, 228, 230 barniz de Pasto, 106, 258. See also mopa mopa Barrio y Sepúlveda, Juan de, 36–37 Bedón, Pedro, 208, 305 n. 24 Belting, Hans, 307 n. 33 Belvedere Theater, 242 Bhabha, Homi, 31, 268 n. 6 Bible: Book of Judges, 67; Old Testament, 106, 216, 255; as source of truth, 96 bilingualism, 18, 40, 42, 213, 288 n. 7; absence of, 287 n. 1; of sermons, 266 n. 22 binary: of gender/género, 55–56; of proper and improper veneration, 68 birds, veneration of, 80–83, 251, 277 n. 32 blood purity, 35–36, 42–43. See also...
