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283 visitor prohibitions to, 17, 21; water and sanitation, 114–16. See also communal villages; displacement of peasants Alemão, Maurício, 46, 48, 83, 111, 117, 120–21 Alfante, Fedi, 87, 105, 109, 111 Alfredo, Francisco, 76, 86, 88 Ali, Aires, 170 alluvial gardens, 15–16, 39, 40, 44–50, 45, 128, 132, 135–40, 136, 177 Amado, Cheia, 143–44 Amaral, Luís Mira, 162 Ana, José, 129–30 ANC. See African National Congress Andrade, António, 82, 83 Angelos, Carlos Vega, 164 Angonia, 68 antidam campaigns, 89–94, 176–77 António, N’tsai, 137 ANTT. See Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo apartheid: campaigns against, 89–90; perpetuation of, 4; and Portuguese colonialism, 10, 14, 16, 88, 150, 163, 183; and Renamo, 122, 151, 157, 158–59 Araújo, Pita, 144 archival sources, 19–27. See also specific organizations Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique, 19 Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (ANTT), 19, 20 Artur, Luís, 200n112 ASEA, 90 Asian Development Bank, 8 Association for International Water Studies. See Foreningen for Internasjonale Vannstudier Aswan High Dam (Egypt), 9, 12 Abel, Christina, 86–87 accidents at dam, 82–84 Adams, William, 12 African militia. See militia African National Congress (ANC), 150, 151, 156, 158, 159, 163, 164 agricultural practices: alluvial, 15–16, 39, 40, 44–50, 45, 128, 132, 135–40, 136, 177; banned, 110, 111, 112; and controlled fires, 55–56, 133; and ecological change, 123, 124, 125–35; and flood cycles, 9, 11, 40–44, 56, 123, 170; foraging, 50–51, 138–39; intercropping, 47; and makande soil, 42–43, 44–47, 111; plantation, 36; and religious practices, 98; upland, 97, 137. See also food security AHM. See Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique Akasombo Dam (Ghana), 8–9 alcohol, availability of, 85, 86 Alcora accord (1971), 64 aldeamentos: agriculture and food security, 110–14; authority in, 116–19; defined, 10; displacement plan, 96–101; effect on communities, 95–96, 121; effect on women, 102, 120; ethnic segregation of, 98–99, 101; and Frelimo, 93, 110, 111; gender imbalance in, 106–7; lack of documentation on, 20; lack of housing in, 105, 108; life in, 22, 26, 102–3, 107–10, 120–21; map, 101; and mhondoro, 102, 116–18, 145–46; model villages, 21, 96, 107, 115, 119; and Renamo destabilization, 156–57, 183; reuse of, 169; rural opposition to, 19, 148; social differentiation among, 119–21; surveillance in, 99, 109; Index Page references in italics denote illustrations. 284 w Index Cheia Madeya, 148, 154–55 Cheia M’bomane, 49–50 Cheia N’sasira, 50 Cheiro, Chivio, 180 Chemba, 126, 129 Chewa-speaking people, 29, 39, 205–6n74. See also specific ethnic groups chibalo (conscripted labor), 5, 35, 36–37, 57, 68, 69, 76–77 Chicoa Nova, 103, 107, 110, 157 Chicoa Velha, 46, 68, 97, 107, 111 Chikunda community, 65, 98–99 child labor, 120 Chilundo, Arlindo, 22 China, investment by, 175–76 Chinde, 129, 149 Chirembue, Alberto, 139 Chiridzisana, Basílio, 103, 116 Chirodzi-Sanangwe, 45, 139, 177–78, 180, 181, 182–83 Chissano, Joaquim, 90, 92, 162 Chitima, Bento, 105, 106, 110, 171–72 Chitsotso, Jaime, 75 Chococoma, 177–78, 181, 183 cholera, 116, 145–46 Chongololo, Gervásio, 83, 84, 104, 119 Christianity, conversion to, 146 Churo, Carlos, 42, 46, 111 coal mining, 36–37 Coelho, João Paulo Borges, 12 Collins, John, 25 colonialism: British, 2–3, 9, 34–35, 58, 89, 90, 98; French, 9, 89; German, 89, 90, 156. See also Portuguese colonial state Colson, Elizabeth, 12 communal villages, 148, 153–55. See also aldeamentos Conforme, Ereman, 76, 77, 83, 84, 87–88 conscripted labor. See chibalo Constitution of the Cahora Bassa Dam, 5 corporal punishment, 78, 82, 87–88, 112 cotton cultivation, forced, 49, 140, 153, 204–5n58 Cunene Dam (Angola), 59 curandeiras. See herbalists Daily Telegraph (London newspaper), 92 Dambuster mobilization committee, 90 dams, large: and displacement, 4, 10, 14–19, 96–101; literature on, 10–14; Bakolori Dam (Nigeria), 9 banjas, 102–3, 107 Barroso, José Manuel, 165 Barue, 34, 35, 106 Beilfuss, Richard, 13, 43, 147, 251n76, 251n78 Belo, Elisa, 172 Bemuse, Fajita, 146 Bento, Carlos, 130–31 bird decline, 132 Bolton, Peter, 13 Botão, Senteira, 48, 113 Botelho, Sebastião Xavier, 38 boycott of Cahora Bassa, 20 Braga, António da Silva, 97, 207n103 Cabo Delgado Province, 62, 96, 154 Cahora Bassa Dam (Mozambique), 78–81; accidents, 82–84; archival sources, 19–27; building, 67–69; ecological consequences of...
