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Illustrations Figures 0.1 Camels in sand dunes 2 0.2 Ski Dubai 15 1.1 Flying Over the Desert at Sunset, Mesopotamia, by Carline 37 2.1 Roman ruins at Timgad, Algeria 67 3.1 Le Pays de la soif, by Fromentin 92 4.1 Nile between al-Raud .a and Mainland Cairo, Egypt 124 5.1 View of the Aswan Dam, Egypt 137 5.2 The island of Philae, Egypt 143 6.1 The Sheikh Zayed (Toshka) Canal, Egypt 169 7.1 Cotton bales, Turkey 196 7.2 Lake from rising groundwater, Turkey 197 9.1 Olive Columns, by Morin, Jerusalem 257 Maps 0.1 The Middle East and North Africa 5 2.1 The Maghreb 64 6.1 Land reclamation in Egypt 163 7.1 Recent irrigation projects in the Harran Plain, Turkey 195 8.1 The Johnston plan watershed 224 Tables 8.1 Water distribution from each plan 229 8.2 Water duty according to the Johnston and the Israeli plans 233 8.3 Comparing different plans’ land distribution 234 ...
