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24 The Goddamn Scale Every Friday, I hate the goddamn scale That shows me what I ate.The goddamn scale! “It’s all that night eating you do. Don’t sit On your ass and berate the goddamn scale.” My days are numbered. I’m surrendering To this God-awful fate: the goddamn scale. I’m now seeing my worst fear realized: I weigh one eighty-eight.The goddamn scale. “Da dun ¯  da . Hey hey hey . . . it’s fa-a-a-a-a-a-t Roger!” (It even sings my weight, the goddamn scale.) “Wow, your husband’s such a manorexic. I bet he even dates the goddamn scale.” “Roger,” says my shrink, “you’re an artist. Look For ways to recreate the goddamn scale.” ...
