In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Notes All interviews were conducted by the author. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN NOTES AHS Alliance High School AR Annual Report BB Boy’s Brigade BSA British Scout Association Archives BSIB Boy Scouts International Bureau BSWB Boy Scouts World Bureau CC chief commissioner CCK Christian Council of Kenya CID Criminal Investigation Division CMS Church Missionary Society Archives CNC Chief Native Commissioner [Kenya] CNZA Central Nyanza District [Kenya] CO Colonial Office CP Central Province [Kenya] CSC Chief Scout Commissioner CSK Chief Secretary of Kenya CSM Church of Scotland Mission Archives CSSA Chief Scout South Africa DC District Commissioner DEB District Education Board ExCom Executive Committee IHQ Imperial Headquarters KBU Kiambu District [Kenya] KGGA Kenya Girl Guides Association KMG Kakamega District [Kenya] KNA Kenya National Archives KSA Kenya Scout Association Archives LA Local Association MKS Machakos District [Kenya] 261 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. MNA Malawi National Archives MUR Muranga (Fort Hall) District [Kenya] NBI Nairobi NNZA North Nyanza District [Kenya] NP Northern Province [Kenya] NR Northern Rhodesia OFS Orange Free State PC Provincial Commissioner PCEA St.Andrews Presbyterian Church of East Africa Archives PEO Principle Education Officer PRO British Public Records Office RVP RiftValley Province [Kenya] SA(A)BSA South African (African) Boy Scout Association SABSA South African Boy Scout Association SAGGA South African Girl Guide Association SAIRR South African Institute of Race Relations SASA South African Scout Association SASC South African Scout Council SNA Swaziland National Archives TBSA Tanganyika Boy Scout Association TNA Tanzania National Archives, Dar es Salaam UBSA Uganda Boy Scouts Association UW University of Witwatersrand WO War Office PREFACE .The U.S. Postal Service no longer includes uniforms on the list of restricted items. . Frank Crego,“Local Boy Scout CouncilAims toTry toAlterAnti-Gay Policy,” Rochester Democrat and Chronicle,  March . CHAPTER 1 . Daily Nation,  February ;  February . . Jeremiah Nyagah, interview, June ; J. G. Kiano, July ; Kiraithe Nyaga, July . . Evelyn Baring, Speech to KBSA AGM,  May , MNA /BSA//. . Matthew Kipoin, interview, June . . Kiraithe Nyaga, interview, July . . Guha, “Dominance without Hegemony and Its Historiography,” –. . Berman and Lonsdale, UnhappyValley,–; Mamdani, Citizen and Subject, . 262 notes to pages xi–9 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. . Kirk-Greene, “The District Officer as the Man in the Middle inWest Africa”; countryside : Chanock, “Paradigms, Policies and Property,” –. . Africans as primitive: Mangan,“Imperialism, History and Education,” ; Lugard, The Dual Mandate in BritishTropical Africa. .The phrase is from Kennedy, Islands ofWhite. .Tanganyika Education Conference, Conference between Government and Missions,. . Quoted in Rawson, ed., Education for a Changing Commonwealth,. . Communal rights: Comaroff and Comaroff, The Dialectics of Modernity on a SouthAfrican Frontier, ; Huxley, AfricaView, ; civil society: Mamdani, Citizen, . . Cooper, “Conflict and Connection,” ; Martin, Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville , . . Local circumstances: Newman, “Archbishop Daniel William Alexander and the African Orthodox Church,” ; Peterson, CreativeWriting, –. . Comaroff and Comaroff, Dialectics, . . Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys,. . Mugomba and Nyaggah, introduction to Independence without Freedom, ; S. Ball, “Imperialism , Social Control and the Colonial Curriculum in Africa,” . . Superior culture: Bogonko, “Education as a Tool of Colonialism in Kenya,” ; Okoth, “The Creation of a Dependent Culture,” ; colonial schools: Kallaway, “An Introduction to the Study of Education for Blacks in South Africa,” ; Molteno, “The Historical Foundations of the Schooling of Black South Africans,” . . Technical elites: Whitehead, “British Colonial Educational Policy,” ; social mobility: Carnoy, Education as Cultural Imperialism, , ;Apple, Ideology and Curriculum, ; Nasson , “Perspectives on Education in South Africa,” . . Inter-Territorial Jeanes Conference, Findings, . . Parpart, “Sexuality and Power on the Zambian Copperbelt,” ;White, “Separating the Men from the Boys,” ; Stoler, “Empire,” ; the term gender chaos was coined by Jean Allman andVictoriaTashjian in “IWill Not Eat Stone,” xxxvi. . Alternate masculinities: Hansen, African Encounters with Domesticity, ; Morrell, “Of Boys and Men,” –; “The Times of Change,” ; manliness: Mangan and Walvin, introduction to Manliness and Morality, ; Kimmel, “Rethinking‘Masculinity,’” ; MacDonald, Sons of the Empire, . . Abnormal state: Sinha, “Gender and Imperialism,” ; Jeal, The Boy-Man, –, , –. . Western “perversion”: Epprecht, “The ‘Unsaying’ of Indigenous Homosexualities in Zimbabwe,” ; Moodie, “Migrancy and Male Sexuality on the South African Gold Mines,” ; Shire, “Men Don’t Go to the Moon,” . . Official quotes: in Great Britain, Board of Education, Special Reports on Educational Subjects , :, ; colonial regime: Epprecht, “‘Good God Almighty, What’s This!’” ; urban women: White, The Comforts of Home...
