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Agate, James. My Theatre Talks. London: Arthur Barker, . Allen, Robert C. Horrible Prettiness. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, . Annan, Noel. “The Intellectual Aristocracy.” In Studies in Social History, edited by J. H. Plumb. Freeport, NJ: Books for Libraries, . “Another Englishman.” Letter. Daily Telegraph, October , , . Archer, William.“The County Councils and the Music-Hall.” The Contemporary Review  (March ): –. ———. “The Music Hall, Past and Future.” Living Age, th ser.,  (Fall ): –. ———. “Theatre and Music-Hall.” In The Theatrical World of , –. London: Walter Scott, . ———. “The Theatrical World of .” Living Age, th ser.,  (Winter ): –. Bailey, Peter. “Conspiracies of Meaning.” Past and Present  (): –. ———. “Custom, Capital, and Culture.” In Popular Culture and Custom in NineteenthCentury England, edited by Robert Storch, –. 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