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The Lives of the Saints 140 Lawrence August 10 The course of popular piety can sometimes take surprising turns. Because Lawrence suffered martyrdom on a grill, he became the patron saint of barbecuers, cooks, and innkeepers. The frightfulness of the tortures he underwent in 258 followed a certain logic. This young Spaniard, appointed as archdeacon by Pope Sixtus II, was in charge of the finances of the young church. The imperial administration suspected the existence of a “treasure,” which they ordered Lawrence to cede to them. However, because the threat of persecution was looming, he had distributed all the goods of the community as alms for the poor. He presented himself before the emperor accompanied by the poor of Rome saying, “Here is our true treasure!” In order to have him reveal where the supposed treasure was hidden , they rained all manner of torture upon him, capped by the deadly grill. Lawrence endured everything with extraordinary fortitude, calling out to the emperor at the end, “I am already well done on this side; turn me over and eat!” Paintings and statues of Saint Lawrence always depict him with his grill. At times, he also holds an alms bag or purse, symbols of his pecuniary function. Italian School (fourteenth century) Saint Lawrence Museo di San Francesco, Assisi ...
