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Hanoi Hannah Ray Charles! His voice calls from waist-high grass, & we duck behind gray sandbags. "Hello, Soul Brothers. Yeah, Georgia's also on my mind." Flares bloom over the trees. "Here's Hannah again. Let's see if we can't light her goddamn fuse this time." Artillery shells carve a white arc against dusk. Her voice rises from a hedgerow on our left. "It's Saturday night in the States. Guess what your woman's doing tonight. I think I'll let Tina Turner tell you, you homesick GIs." Howitzers buck like a herd of horses behind concertina. "You know you're dead men, don't you? You're dead as King today in Memphis. Boys, you're surrounded by General Tran Do's division." Her knife-edge song cuts deep as a sniper's bullet. "Soul Brothers, what you dying for?" We lay down a white-klieg trail of tracers. Phantom jets fan out over the trees. Artillery fire zeros in. Her voice grows flesh & we can see her falling into words, a bleeding flower no one knows the true name for. "You're lousy shots, GIs." Her laughter floats up as though the airways are buried under our feet. I4I from Dien Cai Dau ...
