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Exeqao: Bernanos, que se dizia escritor de sala de jantar For que e o mesmo o pudor de escrever e defecar? Nao ha o pudor de comer, de beber, de incorporar, e em geral tern mais pudor quern pede do que quern da. Entao por que quern escreve, se escrever e afmal dar, evita gente por perto e procura se isolar? Escrever e estar no extreme de si mesmo, e quern esta assim se exercendo nessa nudez, a mais nua que ha, tern pudor de que outros vejam o que deve haver de esgar, de tiques, de gestos falhos, de pouco espetacular na torta visao de uma alma no pleno estertor de criar. (Mas no pudor do escritor o mais curioso esta em que o pudor de fazer e impudor de publicar: corn o feito, o pudor se faz se exibir, se demonstrar, mesmo nos que nao fazendo profissao de confessar, nao fazem para se expor mas dar a ver o que ha.) 160 Exe\ao: Bernanos, que se dizia escritor de sala de jantar Por que e0 mesmo 0 pudor de escrever e defecar? Nao hi 0 pudor de comer, de beber, de incorporar, e em geral tern mais pudor quem pede do que quem di. Entao por que quem escreve, se escrever eafinal dar, evita gente por perto e procura se isolar? Escrever eestar no extremo de si mesmo, e quem esti assim se exercendo nessa nudez, a rnais nua que hi, tern pudor de que outros vejam o que deve haver de esgar, de tiques, de gestos falhos, de pouco espetacular na torta visao de uma alma no pleno estertor de criar. (Mas no pudor do escritor o mais curioso esti em que 0 pudor de fazer eimpudor de publicar: com 0 feito, 0 pudor se faz se exibir, se demonstrar, mesmo nos que nao fazendo profissao de confessar, nao fazem para se expor mas dar aver 0 que hi.) 160 Exception: Bernanos, Who Called Himself a Dining-Room Writer Why is it the same modesty in writing as in defecating? No modesty applies to eating to drinking, to incorporating and, usually, there's more modesty in the asking than in the giving. Why then does the writer, if writing is after all a giving, avoid having people nearby and try to be alone? to write is to reach the extreme of oneself; whoever is there writing from within this nudity, the most naked that one can be, does not want others to see what there is of grimace, of tics, of revealing gestures, of little that is spectacular in the skewed vision of a soul in the strain of creation. (But in the writer's modesty the most curious is that the modesty of creation ceases with publication; once the thing is done, modesty turns to exhibition; even those who do not confess as a profession do it now not to expose themselves but to allow others to see what there is.) Translated by Ricardo da Silveira Lobo Sternberg 161 Exception: Bernanos, Who Called Himself a Dining-Room Writer Why is it the same modesty in writing as in defecating? No modesty applies to eating to drinking, to incorporating and, usually, there's more modesty in the asking than in the giving. Why then does the writer, if writing is after all a giving, avoid having people nearby and try to be alone? to write is to reach the extreme of oneself; whoever is there writing from within this nudity, the most naked that one can be, does not want others to see what there is of grimace, of tics, of revealing gestures, of little that is spectacular in the skewed vision of a soul in the strain of creation. (But in the writer's modesty the most curious is that the modesty of creation ceases with publication; once the thing is done, modesty turns to exhibition; even those who do not confess as a profession do it now not to expose themselves but to allow others to see what there is.) Translated by Ricardo da Silveira Lobo Sternberg 161 ...
