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O artista inconfessavel Fazer o que seja e inutil. Nao fazer nada e inutil. Mas entre fazer e nao fazer mais vale o inutil do fazer. Mas nao, fazer para esquecer que e inutil: nunca o esquecer. Mas fazer o inutil sabendo que ele e inutil, e bem sabendo que e inutil e que seu sentido nao sera sequer pressentido, fazer: porque ele e mais diffcil do que nao fazer, e dificilmente se podera dizer com mais desdem, ou entao dizer mais direto ao leitor Ninguem que o feito o foi para ninguem. 156 o artista inconfessavel Fazer 0 que seja e inutil. Nio fazer nada e inutil. Mas entre fazer e nio fazer mais vale 0 inutil do fazer. Mas nio, fazer para esqueeer que e inutil: nunea 0 esqueeer. Mas fazer 0 inutil sabendo que e1e e inutil, e bern sabendo que e inutil e que seu sentido nio sera sequer pressentido, fazer: porque ele e mais diffeil do que nio fazer, e difieilmente se podera dizer com mais desdem, ou entio dizer mais direto ao leitor Ninguem que 0 feito 0 foi para ninguem. The Unconfessing Artist Doing this or that is futile. Not doing anything is futile. But between doing and not doing, better the futility of doing. But no, doing to forget is what's futile—never the forgetting. But one can do what's futile knowing it's futile, and although knowing it's futile and that its sense cannot in any way be sensed, still do: for it is harder than not doing, and hardly •will one be able to say with more disdain, or say more plainly to the reader Nobody that what was done was for nobody. Translated by Richard Zenith 157 The Unconfessing Artist Doing this or that is futile. Not doing anything is futile. But between doing and not doing, better the futility of doing. But no, doing to forget is what's futile-never the forgetting. But one can do what's futile knowing it's futile, and although knowing it's futile and that its sense cannot in any way be sensed, still do: for it is harder than not doing, and hardly will one be able to say with more disdain, or say more plainly to the reader Nobody that what was done was for nobody. Translated by Richard Zenith 157 ...
