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abraders, 23, 31, 35, 41, 102 acculturation, 8, 12, 25, 29, 110; among the Arikara, 30; and tool replacement, 45, 48–50 Ackia site, Mississippi, 53–54, 56 adoption: among the Iroquois 74–76, 107, 112; among the Potawatomi 112 adzes, 8, 80–81, 94–95, 97–100, 102, 105–108 agency, social, 7, 78, 90, 126, 129, 144, 149 agents. See agency Algonquin, 110–112, 114–116 American Fur Company, 111 argillite, 82 Arikara, 30–31 Arkansas City Country Club site, Kansas, 41 arrowheads, 49, 57, 83, 137. See also projectile points arrow shafts, 23, 57 awls, 31, 51, 55–56; metal 83–84, 123 axes, 46–47, 49, 80, 98; metal, 45, 47, 60, 62, 71, 77–78, 83, 107, 149 ballgame, 26 basalt, 98, 134 beads. See glass beads; shell beads beaver. See fur trade beaver incisors, 23 Beaver Wars. See warfare biface, 17–18, 37, 41, 55–56, 64, 67, 134– 35, 138, 143–45; bi-pointed, 22; core, 23; knives, 51, 148, 171. See also reduction strategy, bifacial bipolar technology, 21–22, 39, 135, 142 blade technology: gun®int, 55; pseudo-, 39 brass: arrowhead, 83; bells, 26; gun parts, 33, 46–47; ornaments, 62, 82, 91; scraps, 71. See also copper British: Battle of the Thames, 116; fur traders , 115; gun spalls and ®ints, 55, 57, 117; in Hawai‘i, 96; in the Northeast, 7, 64, 78, 83–84; in the Southeast, 13, 51, 53–56; pipes and smoking, 86, 109 Bryson-Paddock site, Oklahoma, 41 burin, 39, 64 Caddo, 31, 33–34 calumet: ceremony, 34, 88, 109; pipe, 121, 125 canoe, 83, 95, 99–100, 107–108 capital, subsumed, 11 capitalism, 7–10; and fur trade, 161, 163; industrial, 7, 12, merchant, 3, 5 capitalist. See also capitalism catlinite, 87, 120–21, 123, 125 celt, 4, 23–24, 80, 83; iron 23 cemeteries: Chumash, 167; Contact period, 84, 87, 90; Helo’, 171; Late Archaic 88 Charles Town (Charleston), South Carolina , 55 Cherokee, 4, 14, 26, 37 chert: at Rancho Petaluma, 134, 138–39, Index 141; Florence A, 36; Ft. Payne, 17, 21, 51; gun®ints and spalls, 55, 117; heat treatment, 37, 49, 139; in New England, 82; scrapers, 6; scrapers in Alaska, 151, 158–63 Chickasaw, 51–54, 56, 58, 169–70 chiefdom, 13–14, 16, 27, 97 chiefs, 27, 97, 99, 101, 107–108 Chippewa, 8, 115 Choctaw, 1 Chumash, 44, 77, 167, 171–172 Clarksdale bells, 26 colonialism, 1, 92, 106, 108, 127, 132, 149 colono ware, 2 commodity, 30, 79, 84, 154, 161–162 consumption, 12, 17, 91 Cook, James, 96 Coosa, 13–14, 16, 26–27 copper, 4, 25–26; arrowheads, 72, 77; bells, 26; blade, 158, burial objects, 22–23; scraps, 62, 71; spirals, 60; tinklers 25, 62, 72 cores, 39, 134–135, 137–139, 142–143, 145; amorphous, 22–23; bifacial, 23; bipolar, 22; reduction of, 21, 143; utilized, 143 cortex, 135, 145; as variable, 21, 39, 41, 134, 137, 139, 141–143 cost ef¤ciency of metal, 47 Cree, 5 crossbow, 26 curation, 163 Dallas point. See projectile point types darts, 81 de Soto, Hernando, 13–14, 16 debitage, 1, 17, 67, 146; classi¤cation at Rancho Petaluma, 133–134, 137–139, 142–145; clusters at King site, 21–22; edge damage on, 18; heat treatment, 37, in ®intknapper kits, 23; retouched, 43, 117; utilized, 41, 117 deer: as food, 33, 137; scapula hoes, 79. See also fur trade Deer Creek site, Oklahoma, 41 denticulate, 39, 41 disease, 29, 34, 74–76, 79, 86, 97, 100, 107 dolomite, 36–37, 82, 117–122, 124 drill, 17, 47, 49, 79, 83–84, 135; bow, 162; metal, 46, 84, 118; pipe, 56; rodlike, 42; T-shaped, 42 Dutch: in New England 78, 84, 86; in New York, 7, 64, 72 Eaton Site, New York, 72 Edwards Stemmed point. See projectile point types Elliott site, Kansas, 41 Ellis point. See projectile point types endscrapers. See scrapers Energy-dispersive x-ray ®uorescence analysis , 145 English. See British epidemic, 4. See also disease Eskimo, 151–155, 158, 161–163 ethnicity, 7, 25 ethnohistoric research: adzes in Hawai‘i, 97– 101; Chumash, 171; Coosa 14; Iroquois, 67; New England, 79, 83; tobacco use, 85; trade beads 61 exchange, 5–7, 13, 25, 27, 72, 78, 82, 94, 146, 154, 161 expedient lithic technology, 18, 21–23, 27, 49, 79, 118, 144, 147–148 exploitation (economic): and gender 7; of the Eskimo, 155; technology of, 11®int, 117, 162; European, 84; heat treatment...
