In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments I would ¤rst and foremost like to thank Susan Shillinglaw for her support during the past two years. She has been an outstanding mentor, thesis advisor, and friend to me, and her dedication to this project has been tireless. Professors Robert Cullen, Donald Keesey, and Scott Rice, also at San José State University, readily provided support throughout my graduate program. I am grateful for the outstanding resources made available to me at San José State University, particularly at the Center for Steinbeck Studies. Polly Armstrong and Maggie Kimball were of invaluable assistance during the course of my research at Stanford University’s Department of Special Collections. I thank Eugene Winick at McIntosh and Otis for his guidance regarding permissions. I also thank the Joseph Campbell Foundation for granting permission to include excerpts from Joseph Campbell’s letters. This book would not have been possible without the support and contributions of the Ricketts family, particularly Ed, Nancy, and Lisa. Also, thank you to Donald Keith Henry for careful proofreading. My family—Amy, David, and Kathy Rodger—have been a constant source of support and love, and I would be truly lost without them. Thank you to the friends and fellow graduate students who have read drafts, listened to me read letters aloud, and patiently allowed me to talk incessantly about a man many have never before heard of. I love you all. And my sincerest gratitude to Mr. Jim Levitt, who generously provided funding for my work and whose enthusiasm and belief in the importance of this project continue to inspire me. ...
