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Index abbreviatio, 158, 269 n.64 Acerbas, 25. See also Sychaeus Achilles, 137 adultery, 100 Africa, 31, 97, 172 ages of man, 80, 84, 87, 92, 94-96, 98, 105 Ajax, 31 Alceste, 152-54, 161, 180 Alexander, 137 Alexander of Villedieu, 200 Allecto, 14 allegoresis, 80 allegory, 84; in the Cite des dames, 209-12 Amata, 115, 117 Amazons, 206 amor heroes, 113. See also lovesickness amor soltaine, 115 ampliflcatio, 116 Anchises, 39, 86 Anna, 97, 101, 123, 146, 158 Anne, 268 n.60 anonymity, 256 n.10 Anthony, 32-33 antiphrasis, 200, 220, 277 n.20, 277 n.21 Apollonius, 55 architectural mnemonic, 136-37, 140, 143. See also memory Ariadne, 180 Ascanius, 79, 112, 119, 121, 204, 217, 260 n.50 Ascensius, 176, 182, 184, 187, 189, 193, 274 n.47 auctor: Chaucer as, 152; Virgil as, 161 auctores, 128-29, 137, 259 n.29, 261 n.2 Augustine, 54, 55, 93, 185-86, 203, 212, 238 n.2; Confessions, 58, 75-78, 96, 161, 187; De civitate Dei, 17, 78-79, 202; De doctrina Christiana, 78, 277 n.21. See also Cite de dieu Augustus, 9, 32 authorship, 256 n.10 Banfield, Ann, 268 n.47 battle of Actium, 32 Bawcutt, Priscilla, 176, 189 Beatrice, 97, 227, 255 n.67 Bell, Susan Groag, 275 n.9 Bellum Poenicum, 27 Benoit de Sainte-Maure. See Roman de Troie Bhabha, Homi, 6, 21, 227 Biddick, Kathleen, 235 n.70, 276 n.15 Black Prince, 151,209 Bloom, Harold, 8-9, 35 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 169, 171, 173, 184, 189, 203, 216-23; De casibus virorum illustrium, 58, 68-70, 161, 167, 174; De claris mulieribus, 58, 62-64, 66-73, 161, 210, 216; commentary on Dante, 58, 69; Corbaccio, 59, 61; Genealogia deorum, 58-59, 61-64, 184, 190; Latin texts, 58, 69-72, 129, 161; translations into French, 83. See also Des cas des nobles hommes; Des cleres femmes-, Laurent de Premierfait body: analogy of, 86-87; medical, 88; politic, 92 Boffey, Julia, 244 n.74, 268 n.50 Bono, Barbara, 234 n.42 book trade, 131-32 Boswell, John, 9-10, 14, 236 n.81 Bozzolo, Carla, 70 Brant, Sebastian, 176-77 Briseis, 149, 180 Brown, Peter, 77 289 Index Brownlee, Kevin, 196 Brundage, James, 77 Bruneto Latini. See Livor de tresor Bryson, Norman, 131 Buettner, Brigitte, 70 Butler, Judith, 13, 15, 236 n.81 Byblis, 215 Bynum, Caroline Walker, 276 n. 15 Cairns, Francis, 28, 31 Camilla, 9, 14, 120, 201, 217 Camille, Michael, 53, 169 canon: and colonialism, 3; critiques of, 21-22 Carmina Burana, 49 Carruthers, Mary, 16, 136-37, 143, 265 n.29 Carthage, 15, 30, 42, 77-78, 109, 119, 120, 182, 241 n.47, 249-50 n.14; destruction of, 205, 207; founding of, 3, 27, 64, 169, 203, 217, 227; place in historical chronology, 26, 32, 124, 172 catalogs, of women, 51, 161 Catullus, 59 Caunus, 215 cave scene, 2, 28-30, 40-41, 47, 56, 79, 84-85, 89-90, 158, 160, 174, 190-92, 240 n.26; in the Eneas, 111-14 Caxton, William, 58, 194, 272-73 n.31; as a compiler, 173, 183; The Dictes or Sayinges of the Philosophers, 272 n.31; Eneydos, 166-76, 179, 184; translation of Metamorphoses, 48 Celtic matter, 100-1 Chabot, Isabelle, 67 Charles IV, 208 Charles V, 197, 202, 207, 277 n.26 Chartres, 88 "chaste thinking," 164 chastity, 56, 63, 68, 197, 221-22; Dido as exemplum of, 93 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 48, 174, 180-83, 194; as "woman's friend," 164, 183; Book of the Duchess, 51, 132, 141, 267 n.46; Canterbury Tales, 129; House of Fame, 48, 94, 129-51, 154-55, 158, 160-61, 163, 173-74, 179, 186, 273 n.31; Knight's Tale, 139, 141, 267 n.46; Legend of Dido, 151-62, 179, 191, 267 n.46; Parliament of Fowls, 139, 141, 267 n.46; Prologue to the Legend of Good Women, 152-55; Troilus, 129, 130, 152 Chretien de Troyes, 100; Erec et Enide, 101-5 Christine de Pizan, 58, 73, 195-97; Avision, 195, 223, 275 n.8; Cite des dames, 196-203, 209-24; Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc, 278 n.37; Epistre au dieu d'amours, 216, 280 n.55; Epistre de la prison de vie humaine, 207, 278 n.37; Epistre d'Othea, 210; Livre de la paix, 275 n.8; Livre des fais d'armes et de chevalrie, 275 n.8, 278 n.37, 279 n...
