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255 INTRODUCTION 1. Chombart de Lauwe, Un anthropologue dans le siècle, 94–95; see also Violeau, Situations construites, 123. Unless otherwise noted, all English translations from foreignlanguage sources are my own. 2. Pflieger, De la ville aux réseaux, 71–72. 3. In his recent book, Pierre Macherey deplored Lefebvre’s effort “to comprehend and to order, which never arrives at a full clarification of the confusion and which, with an eye on masking this incompletion, sails away and opens new territories of analysis, abandoning fields incompletely cultivated.” Macherey, Petits riens, 287. For a philosophical reading of Lefebvre, see also Müller-Schöll, Das System und der Rest—or, rather, for a reading of a “philosophy in the course of its overcoming (Aufhebung)”; Müller-Schöll, Das System und der Rest, 8. 4. Blanchot, “Marx’s Three Voices,” in Friendship, 98–100. 5. Grawitz and Pinto, Méthodes des sciences sociales, 1:448. 6. Lefebvre, The Production of Space (1974). The focus on the relevance of Lefebvre’s work for urban empirical research and urban design was at the center of two conferences : “Rethinking Theory, Space and Production: Henri Lefebvre Today” (Delft University of Technology, 11–13 November 2008); and “Urban Research and Architecture: Beyond Henri Lefebvre” (ETH Zurich, 24–26 November 2009); 7. See Foucault, Security, Territory, Population; Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics. 8. Tafuri, Architecture and Utopia. 9. Avermaete, Another Modern; Mumford, The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism; Woud, ed., Het nieuwe bouwen internationaal. 10. See the “CIAM grid” published in Programme du 7ième congrès CIAM; Avermaete, Another Modern, 63ff.; and Mumford, The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism. 11. Avermaete, Another Modern; Heuvel and Risselada, eds., Team 10, 1953–81; St. John Wilson, The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture. See also Solà-Morales, “Another Modern Tradition.” Notes 256 Notes to Introduction 12. Lefebvre, “Evolution or Revolution,” 249. See also Elders, Internationaal Filosofenprojekt ; and the Dutch documentary Het Internationaal Filosofen Projekt: Arne Naess, Leszek Kołakowski, Henri Lefebvre, Freddy Ayer, directed by Louis van Gasteren (1971), NOS. 13. Prigge, “Urbi et Orbi—zur Epistemologie des Städtischen”; Diener et al., Switzerland. 14. Kipfer et al., “On the Production of Henri Lefebvre”; Kipfer et al., “Globalizing Lefebvre?”; Brenner and Elden, “Introduction: State, Space, World.” 15. Lefebvre, Critique of Everyday Life, 2:118. When quoting from any published English translation, I have adopted that version of the work rather than presenting my own translation of the original, unless otherwise stated. 16. Kipfer et al., “Globalizing Lefebvre?” 17. See the prefaces by Michel Trebitsch to Henri Lefebvre’s Critique of Everyday Life and to reprints of Lefebvre’s books, including Le nationalisme contre les nations; and Frédéric Nietzsche. 18. See also Gottdiener, The Social Production of Urban Space; Gregory, Geographical Imaginations; Hess, Henri Lefebvre et la pensée du possible; Kipfer and Milgrom, “Henri Lefebvre”; Kleinspehn, Der verdrängte Alltag; Meyer, Henri Lefebvre; Meyer, Von der Stadt zur urbanen Gesellschaft; Prigge, “Urbi et Orbi”; Prigge, Peripherie ist überall; and Prigge, “Die Revolution der Städte lesen.” 19. Kipfer et al., “On the Production of Henri Lefebvre.” See also Harvey, Social Justice and the City; Harvey, The Urbanization of Capital; Harvey, The Urban Experience; Soja, Postmodern Geographies; Soja, Thirdspace; Soja, Postmetropolis. See also Elden, “Politics, Philosophy, Geography”; Schmid, Stadt, Raum und Gesellschaft. 20. What is particularly missing is an account of the readings of Lefebvre’s work in Latin America, especially in Brazil, where Lefebvre’s theory was introduced by the sociologist José de Souza Martins. For many years Martins taught a seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of São Paulo that focused on the methodological questions in Marx and Lefebvre; the papers of some contributors were published in Martins, ed., Henri Lefebvre e o retorno da dialética. Together with his lectures on the sociology of everyday life, this seminar influenced a range of empirical studies with special attention to São Paulo. Complementing the empirical work of Martins himself, these studies included books by Ana Cristina Arantes Nasser, Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos, Amelia Luisa Damiani, Odette Carvalho de Lima Seabra, Marilia Pontes Sposito, and Fraya Frehse. Martins himself published several books influenced by the theory of Lefebvre, in particular three books on the suburb of São Paulo: Subúrbio; A sociabilidade do homem simples; and A aparição do demônio na fábrica. I would like to thank Fraya Frehse and...
