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229 Glossary abuelos del tango literally means “tango grandparents”; term used to name the Argentine elderly who still practice tango. argentinidad shared experience of being an Argentine citizen. bandoneón an essential tango musical instrument in Argentina and Uruguay, similar to the concertina. barrio neighborhood. cabecitas negras “little black heads”; a derogatory term coined during Perón’s first government to label the rising working class, mostly dark-skinned creoles from rural origins. derecho de piso literally translates as the right to use the floor. It symbolizes the struggles and difficulties that newcomers experience when entering a new field. gaucho herdsman from the Argentine pampas. The plural is gauchos. lunfardo Spanish jargon from Buenos Aires; it was initially coined by European immigrants and their descendants who inhabited the inner neighborhoods. mate herbal drink made with yerba mate that is widespread in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and the south of Brazil. It is served in a calabash gourd and drank with a straw (called bombilla). milonga social parlors aimed at tango dancing; term also used to name a fast tango rhythm that credits the Afro-Argentines’ contributions to the genre. milonguera, milonguero female and male tango regulars respectively. It also defines a close tango dancing style (chest-to-chest) that originated in crowded salons with little room for couples to maneuver. The plural is milongueros. 230 • Glossary mersa derogatory term that refers to individuals and tastes considered simple and unrefined. negra, negro literally means black (female and male, respectively). It is used, in its derogative and laudatory forms, to informally name darker-skinned Argentines. pampas plains; Argentine fertile lowlands located in Buenos Aires and other provinces . porteña, porteño female and male Buenos Aires natives. práctica (singular), prácticas (plural) dancing event intended for practicing tango in a more relaxing atmosphere than in milongas—the latter usually have stricter rules regarding dancing protocols, musical sets, clothing, etc. tangomanía tangomania; a word that combines “tango” and “mania” to label the worldwide enthusiasm (and obsession) for tango music and dancing. tango canción tango song. tanguera, tanguero female and male tango dancer and enthusiast. The plural is tangueros. tratamiento humano humane treatment; it features a patient-centered health system , specifically physicians who have great bedside manners and care for their patients ’ health. trabajadores workers; a term coined to define the Argentine working class born during the first government of Juan Domingo Perón. ...
