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CHAPTER 4 "farmland ^Barbarous Treatment': The Forms and SWeaning of Spouse Muse The wome n o f this land ar e differently situate d tha n those of any other coun try . Here , emphatically , whethe r i n th e relationshi p o f mother , daughter , sister o r wife , woma n i s man' s companion . Sh e i s indeed , hi s 'hel p meet. ' Here, woman' s tru e dignit y i s asserte d an d maintained.—Civilly , sh e i s re garded a s the most proper objec t of his protection an d whil e in the old world , the 'lords of creation' may administer t o their wives, moderate corporate chastisements , here , where the laws must b e administered wit h some regard t o the popular will , th e husband woul d b e convicted o f an assault an d battery , wh o should imitate , th e conduct o f transatlantic spouses . "THE WOME N O F AMERICA," The American Woman, 2 8 SEPTEMBE R 184 4 In th e idea l marriag e i n th e ne w republi c ther e wa s n o plac e fo r spous e abuse. Joine d i n a n affectionat e union , th e marrie d couple s o f eigh teenth - an d earl y nineteenth-centur y literatur e discusse d thei r differ ences . Husband s explaine d thei r argument s wit h logi c an d patience , while wive s attempte d t o persuad e thei r husband s b y goo d exampl e and mora l certainties , bu t submitte d t o thei r request s i f the y coul d not.1 O f course , i n realit y marriage s di d no t alway s wor k tha t way , and ange r an d violenc e di d occu r betwee n wif e an d husband . Bot h the la w an d th e communit y recognize d tha t i n som e case s no t eve n the gentles t an d mos t obedien t o f wive s coul d swa y a crue l husband , and tha t thes e wive s shoul d receiv e som e comfor t an d relief . Pennsyl 103 104 "CRUE L AN D BARBAROU S TREATMENT " vania wome n an d me n demonstrate d tha t the y understoo d wha t i t meant t o be a model wife o r husband; furthermore , the y trie d t o gain sympathy an d prov e thei r innocenc e whe n thei r case s of domestic violence came before th e public. 2 The examinatio n o f spous e abus e her e will includ e wha t earl y Pennsylvanians terme d "crue l an d barbarous " treatment—tha t is , bot h physical violence and th e husband's withholdin g o f money an d neces sities from hi s wife.3 Als o to be studied her e is under wha t condition s men an d wome n fel t tha t thei r action s wer e justifie d an d wha t effec t this ha d o n gende r relation s i n th e societ y o f thi s period . Whe n di d men conside r i t withi n thei r right s a s husbands t o attack thei r wives , and wh y di d wome n generall y wai t unti l the y ha d suffere d bruta l assaults t o seek legal assistance ? Wh y di d s o few me n repor t abuse ? During thi s tim e i n Pennsylvania , wome n rathe r tha n me n mos t often complaine d o f spous e abuse . Althoug h som e me n reporte d at tacks mad e o n the m b y thei r wives , mos t husband s probabl y di d no t report thes e incident s ver y often . Lega l options , excep t fo r pursuin g assault an d batter y charge s agains t thei r wives , di d no t exis t fo r mis treated husbands. 4 Also , becaus e me n generall y hel d th e uppe...
