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Notes ■ ■ ■ ■ Introduction 1. West Indies refers to countries in the Caribbean that are former colonies of Great Britain. Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana were the most widely represented nations at Renaissance, though almost every nation in the West Indies was represented. Additionally, a noticeable and highly marginalized Haitian population also attended the school. 2. It should be noted that high achievers are overrepresented in this study because, not surprisingly, such students were more likely to volunteer. They represent 25 percent of the interviewees but made up only 10 percent of the student body. Chapter 1 1. In 1898, New York City consolidated and the previously independent cities of Brooklyn and Queens became boroughs of New York City. At that time, their public schools were turned over to the city but with some strings attached. The expansion of Old School was one such string. 2. Though they were referred to as “schoolmen,” many decision-making educators were women such as Ella Fladd Young, the superintendent of Chicago schools, and Julia Richman, the superintendent of Manhattan schools. 3. I have met other alumni who also said they went to “the other Old School,” which suggests that students may have used this phrase when they attended the school. 4. It is important to note that this practice of dividing existing student populations into new schools has generally been abandoned. Now, the common practice of reorganizing big schools is to phase out the old school and open up new schools with one grade only, adding new grades and new schools as space becomes available. Chapter 2 1. It should also be noted that the first time debaters were allowed to bring their lawyerlike accordion files to and from school, and they often told me that the SSOs had praised them at scanning. Debaters often were eager to show off their trophies 198 ❙ Notes to the guards when they brought them to school after a tournament. Though on this day the SSOs hassled Serafina, they were also some of the team’s most ardent supporters. While they are enforcers of these problematic policies, they are also adults in the school who try to positively impact student lives. ...
