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Community Characteristics and Police Search Rates 363 71. Lee, Martinez, Rosenfeld, et al., “Does immigration increase homicide?”; Lee, and Martinez, “Social disorganization revisited”; Martinez, “Latino homicide”; Zhou, “Contemporary immigration.” 72. Smith, “The neighborhood context of police behavior”; Smith, and Holmes, “Community accountability, minority threat, and police brutality”; Terrill, and Mastrofski, “Situational and officer-based determinants of police coercion”; Terrill, and Reisig, “Neighborhood context.” 73. Smith, “The neighborhood context of police behavior”; Smith, Visher, and Davidson, “Equity and discretionary justice.” 74. See also Kane, “The social ecology of police misconduct.” 75. Martinez, “Latino homicide.” 76. Lee Martinez, Rosenfeld, et al., “Does immigration increase homicide?”; Lee, and Martinez , “Social disorganization revisited”; Martinez, “Latino homicide.” 77. See Smith, Makarios, and Alpert, “Differential suspicion.” 78. Jackson, and Carroll, “Race and the war on crime”; Liska, Lawrence, and Benson, “Perspectives on the legal order.” 79. Liska, and Chamlin, “Social structures and crime control”; Parker, Stults, and Rice, “Racial threat, concentrated disadvantage, and social control”; Terrill, and Mastrofski, “Situational and officer-based determinants of police coercion.” 80. Sampson, and Wilson, “Toward a theory of race, crime, and urban inequality”; Wilson, “The truly disadvantaged.” 81. See Kane, “The social ecology of police misconduct.” 82. Massey, and Denton, “American apartheid”; Wilson, “The truly disadvantaged.” 83. Lundman, “Driver race, ethnicity, and gender.” 84. Schuck, and Rosenbaum, “Promoting safe and healthy neighborhoods.” 85. Engel, Calnon, and Bernard, “Theory and racial profiling.” 86. 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