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>> 185 Ackerman, Bruce, 145 advantage, 6–7; and feedback loops, 60; selfreinforcing , 174n3; and social networks, 82–92; white, 53–68, 131–34 affirmative action, 121–24, 146–50 affordable housing, 144, 149 Agricultural Wheel, 167n47 Aid for Dependent Children, 105 Alstott, Anne, 145 American Association of Law Schools, 78 American Bar Association, 78, 80 Anacostia, 1–2 anticompetitive: racial exclusion as, 132; strategies, 59, 60 anti-immigrant sentiment, 42 antitrust, 31, 53, 124, 131–34, 157 aptitude tests, 77 Arnesen, Eric, 26, 162n1 Arthur, Brian, 5, 58, 171n5, 177n10 Auerbach, Jerome, 78 baby bonds, 135–36, 140, 145, 182n19 Banaji, Mazharin, 19–21 banks, 35–37 batch hiring, 148 Becker, Gary, 15, 30, 124–25, 151, 162n10 Bell Curve, The, 13–14, 18 Bénabou, Roland, 93–95, 114 bias, 19–21, 175n10 biology, 14, 17–21 black: flight, 101; men, 4; middle class, 2, 96, 102–3; migration, 165n13; poverty, 3; voters, 49–52; wealth gap, 135 blackballing, 47 black-belt Democrats, 167n44 Black Codes, 33 black-owned businesses, 121–24 block-busting, 48 boundaries, 143 Bourdieu, Pierre, 173n15 Bowles, Samuel, 171n35 Bowling Alone, 84 boycotts, 47, 52 Bronzeville, 102–3 Brooks, Richard, 164n31 brown flight, 101 busing, 106–7 capital markets, 178n15 cartels: and antitrust intervention, 53; and collective action, 29–32; definition of, 29–30, 162n12; and exclusion, 53–54; and group interaction, 128; historical, 35–37, 123; racial, 6, 8, 25–54; and real estate brokers, 47–48; stability of, 32–35; and unions, 27 Chicago: black neighborhoods of, 102–3; demographics of, 166n15; homeowners’ associations in, 38–48; neighborhood dynamics in, 98–99; poverty rates in, 108–10; and public housing, 104–5; realtors , 166n34; segregation index, 42, 43, 165n12 index 186 > 187 economies: and discrimination, 26, 31–32; ethnic, 91–92, 142–43, 146–47 economists, 14 education: higher, 6–7, 64–65, 69–71, 75–81; law school, 77–80; and race, 3–4; segregated , 62. See also public education Eggers, Mitchell, 176n24 elections, 50–51, 127 electoral districting laws, 107 employers, 15, 26, 65–66 employment: discrimination, 15, 36; outcomes , 99 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 140–41 estate taxes, 139–40 ethics code, 44 ethnic economies, 91–92, 142–43, 146–47 exclusion: as cartel conduct, 53–54; culture of, 70; and economic theory, 27; historical , 123, 125; norms of, 34–35; racial, 41–48, 132; social, 52 expectations, 73–74 Fair Housing Act, 148 fair housing laws, 154 family: net worth, 64–65; wealth, 57, 60–62, 67, 141 Farmers’ Alliance, 50 federal government. See Federal Housing Administration (FHA); government; Supreme Court Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 37, 44–45, 101, 146, 156 feedback loops, 5, 57–60; dismantling of, 10, 136; and everyday choices, 137; family wealth, 60–62; institutional, 8, 57, 80, 177n7; integrating, 141–44; limiting , 139–41; and neighborhood effects, 99–101, 107; parallel, 145–47; and public education, 56; and racial gaps, 23–24; and unfair advantage, 81 felon disenfranchisement laws, 106, 176n33 Fifteenth Amendment, 50, 52 Filipinos, 142 financial networks, 156 first-movers, 71, 75, 124 Fischel, William, 117–18 foreclosure, 156 Fort Bend County Jaybirds, 53 founder effect, 75 Fourteenth Amendment, 50, 51, 168n55, 168n56, 178n26 free-rider problem, 32, 41, 163n23, 179n32 funding: disparate, 178n26; school, 8–9, 93–95, 117–18 future expectations, 73–74 Gandolfo v. Hartman, 163n29 Garbis, Marvin, 149 generalizations, 16–17 generations: inequality across, 56–57; and institutional rules, 74–75; and neighborhoods , 109; and wealth, 61 genetics, 14, 17–18 gentrification, 9, 95, 115 geographic networks, 92 ghetto, 1–2, 9, 89 See also hyperghetto Gintis, Herbert, 171n35 Gittleman, Maury, 61 gossip network, 87 Gould, Stephen Jay, 1, 17, 77, 126 government: and antitrust litigation, 59–60; and cartel conduct, 36–37; and children’s trust funds, 135–36; and monopoly, 157; and social norms, 137–38; and white flight, 149. See also Federal Housing Administration (FHA); Supreme Court Granovetter, Mark, 86–87 Greenbacks-Independents, 50 Greif, Avner, 174n27 group: closed membership, 30–31; conflict, 30–31; decision making, 147–48; interaction , 128; norms, 34–35 Grovey v. Townsend, 168n56 Grutter v. Bollinger, 150 Guinier, Lani, 153 Hamilton, Darrick, 135–36, 145 Hansberry, Carl, 39–40 Hansberry, Lorraine, 40 Hansberry v. Lee, 40 Harvard University, 69–71, 76 188 > 189 hoods, 103–4, 106, 107; and racial cartels, 33–34; and racial identity, 48; real estate, 35; state, 104 law school, 75–81, 116–17 Law School Admissions Council, 79 Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), 77...
