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There Is No Money in Social Conservatism 26 5 The restoratio n o f moral orde r i n America, a s social conservatives see it, ma y requir e a diminutio n i n individua l liberties . Boomer s an d Bab y Busters will have to chang e habit s o f many years' standing, whether vol untarily o r b y threa t o f fine an d incarceration . Cultura l commentator s such a s Nei l How e an d Willia m Straus s hav e remarke d tha t million s o f Boomers an d Bab y Buster s ar e reevaluatin g thei r attitude s towar d abor tion , crime, drugs, and sexua l liberation. Others, however, are not chang ing thei r ways . A s ha d bee n tru e wit h th e anti-slaver y movemen t an d Prohibition, whe n on e grou p impose s it s wil l upo n another , th e result s may be bloody. Culture wars are the most vicious form o f politics because they cu t t o th e hear t o f ho w peopl e identif y themselve s an d wha t the y think constitutes acceptable behavior. 25 America's challenge, as the nation enter s the twenty-first century , is to find a way out o f it s curren t politica l mess . Unless politician s overcom e their poll-obsesse d hypocrisy , the kind o f profitless name-callin g and du plicitous politic s tha t w e have see n i n th e pas t fou r decade s ar e likely to continue. Politicians , however, ar e not entirel y to blame. In a democrac y political representatives ar e expected to be responsive to the desires of the people. Given that some voters want abortion, quotas, and gay rights, and others d o not , contentio n an d divisio n ar e no t surprising . Politician s ar e inclined t o spli t th e difference , simultaneousl y informin g prolifer s an d prochoice partisan s tha t the y ar e with the m i n spiri t but mus t bid e thei r time for the most advantageous moment t o take a stance. Presidents, afte r all, are people too. When face d wit h a choic e betwee n raisin g entitlemen t spendin g o n seniors or giving young families a tax break, Clinton and Reagan flinched . Reagan's solution to this dilemma—one tha t Clinton has emulated—wa s to protect senio r entitlement s an d provide families with tax relief, hoping that th e econom y gre w fas t enoug h t o absor b th e costs . Politicians , un derstandably , gravitat e towar d policie s tha t rewar d group s whos e wealt h and number s ar e great. This fac t explain s i n par t wh y it is easier t o scal e back spendin g o n welfar e recipient s tha n i t i s t o tri m Medicar e o r ba n abortion. As Reagan's an d Clinton' s presidencie s clearl y demonstrated, th e Ne w Deal orde r wa s dead . Neithe r leader , however , constructe d a stable electoral coalition . Bot h wer e unwillin g t o embrac e a sociall y conservativ e and economicall y populis t agenda—i n short , mora l populism . Suc h a course of action would mea n tha t the federal governmen t punishe d racia l discrimination withou t imposin g quota s that hurt white males. Equal opportunity fo r all , specia l privileg e t o none . Mora l populis m woul d con There Is No Money in Social Conservatism 265 The restoration of moral order in America, as social conservatives see it, may require a diminution in individual liberties. Boomers and Baby Busters will have to change habits of many years' standing, whether voluntarily or by threat of fine and incarceration. Cultural commentators such as Neil Howe and William Strauss have remarked that millions of Boomers and Baby Busters are reevaluating their attitudes toward abortion , crime, drugs, and sexual liberation. Others, however, are not changing their ways. As had been true with the anti-slavery movement and...
