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Index Adolescence, 20. See also Youth cultur e Advertising: and beauty , 35 ; eroticization of, 70 ; and instinctual needs, 69; and marriage, 92; as shaper o f emotions, 8 9 , 1 4 Alcott, William, 9 0 Amusement parks, 2 7 Anger, 2 Arlitt, Ada Hart, 123 , 130, 143, 144 Automobile, 27-2 8 Baker, S. Josephine, 5 8 Beam, Lura Ella , 54 , 68, 70, 72, 73, 76, 81,98 Beauty, cultural source s of, 35-3 7 Berman, Louis, 24, 69 Biedernolf, William, 1 Birth control, 92, 98 Blair, Emily Newell, 16 2 Blake, Dorothy, 133-134 , 138 , 139, 15 6 Blanchard, Phyllis, 99 Boulanger, Nadia, 22 , 71, n o Bourke-White, Margaret, 125 , 153 Bow, Clara, 37, 38, 61, 70 Brewster, Mildred, 13 0 Buck, Pearl, 21, 104 Burgess, Ernest, 3 0 Burton, Beatrice, 88 Calhoun, Arthur, 15 , Calverton, V. F., 103-10 4 Career: in conflict with marriage, 59 , 68-69; opportunities for women , 57 58 Carnegie, Dale, 1 4 Carpenter, Edward , 72, 91 Carrighar, Sally , 12 6 Carroll, Gladys Hasty, n ; confusio n about love , 62-63, 64 ; dieting at Bates, 35-36; and family, 127 ; and independ ence , 5 7 Carroll, Herbert, 63 , 64 Chapman, Everett, 12 5 Chase, Ilka, 38-39, 56 , 103, 104 Child rearing: and affection , 138-139 ; conflicting trends , 134 ; criticism of, 119 120 ; and emotions , 130 , 143-144; hopes for improvemen t in , 138 ; and psychol ogy , 120 , 122, 129, 134, 143; and regu lar schedules, 129-130; trends in 1920s , 120, 129-132 ; trends in 1930s , 132-13 4 Clapper, Oliv e Ewing, 126 , 13 0 Clapper, Ray, 12 6 Clark, Emily Tapscott, 8 ; on love, 64; on modern sexuality , 22; on personality , 34 Companionate marriage. See Marriage, companionate Companionate Marriage (movie) , 10 3 College: preparation fo r marriage , 58 ; trends in education for women , 56-5 7 Consumer culture, 6-9, 21-2 2 Corelli, Marie, 78-7 9 Coue, Emile, 13, 78 207 2o8 Index Courtship, 4; and dating , 25-26, 28, 6566 ; shaped b y youth, 20 ; Victorian, 2 , 3, 19; women's role in, 92 Crawford, Joan, 15 5 Crushes, 47, 48-49, 8 2 Dancing, 2 7 Dating, 4, 18 ; customs in 1920s , 24, 26 30 , 64; of adult women, 53 ; and Depres sion , 154 ; and judgment o f friends, 4 2 Davis, Katherine Bement, 45, 47, 58, 82, 155 Dell, Floyd, 66, 91-92, 12 0 DeMille, Cecil B., n Denishawn Dancers , 27, 3 1 Denison, J. H., 1 , 5 Dennett, Mary Ware, 91, 99 Depression (economic) , impact o n emotional culture, 152-156 ; impact on emotional experience, 157 , 158; impact o n material welfare, 153-154 ; limits on married women's work, 68 , 95 Depression (psychological) , 157-15 9 Desire: ambiguity of , 70-74 , 80 ; offers am biguous guidance, 56 ; as a social force , 69-60 Dewey, John, 9 Di Cairano, Canio, 3 2 Dickinson, Robert Latou, 54 , 68, 70, 72, 76, 81,9 8 Divorce, 103 ; and consumerism, 96-97; as support for moder n marriage, 103-105 ; trends in 1920s , 104, 16 0 Dix, Dorothy: on marriage, 95, 101; on modern sexuality , 24 ; on motherhood , 124 Dushkin, David, n , 46 , 110-116 , 16 1 Dushkin, Dorothy Smith : background, n o ; on dating, 28, 29; and the Depression , 154; and desire , 71, 72-73; on despair , 16; on falling in love, 64; falls in love, 110-112; and female friendship, 46,161 ; and housekeeping, 139-140 ; and inne r peace, 161 ; on intense experience, 10; and married life , 112-116 ; on moder n sexuality, 22 ; on movies, n - 1 2 ; o n pregnancy, 135 , 135; and raising children , 131 , 138; and sex, 114-115 ; on socializing, 27; and sports , 34; studies in Paris, 67, 71; and weight, 3 5 Dushkin, Sam, 1 1 Eastman, Max, 6 2 Eddy, Mary Baker , 13 , 78 Ellis, Havelock, 9 1 Emotional culture, 1 , 3; in 1920s , 14-16 ; and the Depression, 153 ; major element s for women, 170 ; shaped by consumer ism , 11 ; transformation of , 4 Emotional experience, 3; conflict wit h Victorian standards , 18 ; of crushes, 48-49; of dating, 43-44; intensity, 2 , 9, 10 ; of motherhood, 150 ; shaped b y Depression , 157; shaped b y personal resources, 85 86 ; of single women, 55 ; tension wit h emotional culture, 16 , 17 0 Emotionology, 2 , 3 Emotions, management of , 79 , 102, 13 0 Engagement, 7 6 Ewing, Jennie, 12 6 Fabian, Warner, 18 , 69-7 0 Ferguson, Hallie, 24-2 5 Ferris, Edna Claire , 121-122...
