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٣٣٩ 339 “What,” he asked, “is the meaning of the Prophet’s command to bind oneself to their community?” It can have only one meaning, I replied. “How could it bear but one?” If their community is dispersed in different countries, I answered, then no one is able to bind himself to the community formed by the bodies of people who are dispersed. Indeed, the bodies of Muslims, unbelievers, the God-fearing, and sinners are all found together, so being bound to their bodies has no meaning at all because it is not possible, and because the mutual proximity of bodies produces nothing. Being bound to them has no meaning except in regard to what their community considers lawful and unlawful, and obedience regarding those two categories. Whoever holds the opinion held by the Muslim community has bound himself to the community, and whoever goes against the opinion held by the Muslim community has gone against those persons to whom he was commanded to bind himself. Heedlessness lies in division. As for the community , it is not possible for there to be in it, as a whole, heedlessness about the meaning of a scriptural prooftext, a Prophetic practice, or an argument based on analogy. Chapter on the Confirmation of Analogical Reasoning and Legal Interpretation; When Analogizing Is Necessary and When Not; Who May Perform Analogies Someone asked: “On what basis do you say that one may opine using analogies in regard to matters for which there is no explicit scriptural prooftext, no Prophetic practice, and no instance of consensus? Is an analogy tantamount to an explicit, binding textual report?” If, I replied, an analogy were an explicit scriptural text or a practice, then one would say, as for every explicit scriptural prooftext, “That is God’s ruling,” and for every explicitly delineated practice, “That is the ruling of God’s Emissary,” but we do not say that for an analogy. 572 573 574 Chapter on the Confirmation of Analogical Reasoning ٣٤٠ 340 ¦ îQ gK MŸ Ž #     01DE  Z € : k l m n o DE =>–  ÆKM    Z € :  Zµ€ iDE"g˜  ×  à i k l m n o DE =>–  ÆKM    p– 78 #   pžŸ ٥٧٥ ٥٧٦ ٥٧٧ ٥٧٨ .$%&v wDE  x I J    ŽufƒïË  ufƒ(„¬ :  Z3uf  Ì   ‫؟‬ ŽI  Ö    ½K 6ã1 ufƒ(„¬ - . #  "g˜  ×  à i k l m n o DE«¬ #  =>I §KM   0| ¡   :d±    Ì   I  ß    r s² :‹Œ de f– ¹Q´  ¡¢f›œDE #  - .  ! k l m n o - ꡇ OˆÃ w I §K æ  ¿ Å ] ^´¦\ï‘ d±    I1  d¢Í Ò 2ª :  Z3uf  Ì   ‫؟‬0T÷˜ ۜ 0ó '¥ 0| ¡   :d±    Ì      k l m n o P%Q    Z3uf_` a ´µ§ † – ¯    ‡ Oˆ¸¿ Å     " # DE ›œ –  78 - ꡇ OˆÃ w ´µ§ † – ¯   Ž Ò 2ª  " #  I3uf›œDE ™"DE ² iDEq1    k l m n o " .=>I §KM   "g˜  ×  à i k l m n o DE ."g˜  ×  à i k l m n ožŸ I  ß    r s² :‹Œ de f– ¹Q´  ¡¢f›œ ‫؟‬ [ z{ $&I  ǜ r s² :‹Œ  DEV–“” # ¿ÀHI J˜  bV #   01 ١ - ê ¬  #` av w #   ¡¢f›œ DEÁ   Ì     " #    I¼   g     Z Ä8 #   7   #  :d±    Ì   de  f´³ DE #  $&IŠ iDE de f– ¹Q´  01 É1 #   d¢Í Ò 2ªDE ’K •uf Ò 2ª defg¬DE ‫؟‬=>I §KM      ¡   DE ’K•uf– à : Ž # ¿ÀHI J˜    defg¬DE Ž # ¿À÷˜      IUV # DE ‫؟‬  “` a–7   ŽDE" ½¬  _` a b   ô uf›œ DEÁ¦ îQ gK MŸ Ž # ¿À÷˜ b  Ž #     ¡      I Š : [‹Œ  01DE ‫؟‬  I  Ö    ½K 6ã1 Ž #      x y P%Q    01DE ‫؟‬¿ÀHI J¬ Q ›œ    ¡   DE ’K •uf Ò 2ª01DE¿ÀHI J˜Â¦ §K MŸ #     ¡   DE ’K •uf Ò 2ªI1 ¨K•uf– à : defg¬DE ‫؟‬DE  q    ½K 6 78 ‫™؟‬ QI  œDE ´¦ §K MŸ    ¡   ¦ îQ gK MŸ Ž #      x y P%Q  DE ‫™؟‬ QI  œ ŽDE" ´¦ §K MŸ    ¡   ¦ îQ gK 6 ¯   $&I J˜  ×  à : . ½¬  _` a b      ¡    r s² i I  ‚1DE  “` a–7  DE ½¬  _` a b      ¡    _` av w #  I  ‚1 ™DE ² iDE  01¿ Å ] ^g c  :   Z3uf gK æ   Ž  $&I J˜     .   g     œ    01g    g˜ Ùuf gK MŸ  [ z{ d±  DEÁ     ´³ DE #   [ z{ - ꡇ OˆÃ w  j a bV Ž Ò 2ª01 –ã1  _` av w # k l m n o  Ì   k l m n o   x y P%Q     $&g¬DE . - . »¥   IUV #  - .»¥ ufƒï   ^  DE d±  23 4v w   IUV #   defv w #  ufƒï   ^   ufƒïAB‘ $&I J˜    Ž  $%&èuf   Ž 23 4– ¹Q´   .I  ß    Èuf´   k l m n o DE èufg˜ · i žŸ$&–œ £ $%&v w #  5      ¬DE .¿ÀHI J¬ Q ›œ g˜  K •ufÍ Î Ï Ð¸¿ Å   DE I¼ ] ^g c  g˜     ½ †   –“”9 :‹Œ   QI Š i  01   ´³    IԔ9 :‹Œ ¿ Å ] ^›œDE - .  ! 23 4    $&I J¬DE .g˜ bV  [ z{ d±  DEÁ !  œ QIŠ : "     j a 9 :‹Œ   r   $&–“” bV¿ÀHI J˜  bԔ  †    ¡   DE # ¿ÀHI J˜ × ¯   ™"DE ² iDEq1    ¡    r s² i Èuf   "DE   $&g¬´  ٢ de f–  ÆK MŸ 0T ½¬#` a b      ¡    r s² :‹Œ DE«¬DE –7  #  DE QIԔ bV Ž # ¿ Å ] ^g c defg¬ #k l m n o .)` a Ùuf g      $&g¬´      ¡    ‡ Oˆ6ï‘$&I  Ö  DE ½¬  _` a b   .(     ) :  ١ .( ) :  ٢ [] Project...
