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٢٣ 23 Chapter on the Second Kind of Legislative Statement God (blessed and exalted) said: «When you rise to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads and wash your feet up to the ankles. If you are polluted, purify yourselves»45 and «Nor when you are polluted, save when you are traveling.»46 The Book of God provided a legislative statement concerning ablutions —separately from the topic of cleansing oneself using stones—and also concerning the major washing for substantive ritual impurity.47 In accordance with that, the least number of times that one could wash the face and limbs would be once each, though it would also be possible to do it more. Then, God’s Emissary explained that ablutions are to be performed once, though he himself performed them three times, thus indicating that the least that one could wash the limbs sufficed, and that the least permissible number of such washings was once. Accordingly, if once suffices, then thrice is optional. Prophetic Practice indicates that three stones suffice for cleansing, and the Prophet also indicated of what ablutions and the major washing consist. He indicated that the ankles and elbows are to be washed, since the verse could mean either that they are the two limits up to which one should wash or that they should be included in the washing. When God’s Emissary said, “Woe to the heels lest they suffer Hellfire!” he indicated that they were to be washed, not merely wiped. God said: «To each of his parents one-sixth of what he leaves, if he has a child; but if he does not have a child and his heir is his father, his mother gets a third; but if he has brothers, his mother gets a sixth.»48 He also said: «To you is half of what your wives leave, if they have no child; but if they have a child, you get a quarter of what they leave, after any bequest they may have made or any debt. They get a quarter of what you leave, if you have no child; but if you do have a child they receive one-eighth of what you leave after any bequest you may have made or any debt. If a man, or a woman, has no direct heir, but has a brother or sister, each of the two gets a sixth. If there are more 33 34 35 36 ٢٤ 24  Z  –7   Ž´ µ    pžŸ LŽ L Ü Ž L # L DE£   C  L " C DE L#  ü  G IL ‘ LŽDE F Y“”DE FV£   L ´ LµÔ” L DE L $& C g  L †  L  01ST F HI  C ß N 2O L W L  X/ L öïL ð, F   F 6ï F  cR L  F (Ɛ L Luf L  Ì   é P%Q L  L DE C Só F¡‡ Oˆ L¸ LŽ L  Ò 2ªŽL#  L  Ì   é P%Q L  L DE  L 01 L W L  ò C ý° 2O L#  C  ü DE FV L  Ò 2ªŽL# / G I  Ö   F => F $& F ´ R  L 0T F ÷˜ C ×L  ã1£ $%&L v w [L DE L  d¢ F Í Î Ï ÐL uf L  Ì   é  Z C€ i F # C DE L#  é  ù K L#  F  L  L DE é ™ L#  L C É1 R DE L# £   L èu [L Quf L  Ò 2ªF  p L !DE F V é de F  fv wL WX L  L z{ R  L L  01£   L ´ LµÔ” L DE£  WX ü  L–“” F R1L W C  ò G I  œ£   C  L " C DE L#  ü  G IL ‘ [  x L“”DE F V £   L ´ LµÔ” L DE L $& C g  L †  L 01 L  Z F 3uf F –7 R    L ¡   F ü  L  Ò 2ª L F  É C ST F H´ L ñ   L ÈufL   [L " .{é Só¡QL èuf L v wé STHI L 3uf L›œ F  L z{ R L DE $&I J † ŽDEçV Ž #  )` a  É I  ß    [ z{ Ž Ò 2ª  - ê  ë .™ QI  œ Q v w œ   $&g¬    ¡   de fŸ   Q–7  žŸ  x I J  ‰³   Ì   .  O3uf–7      ´µÔ”DE  žŸ  !DE 9 : k l m n o Ž #   ¡¢f›œ QIŠ :‹Œ   d±  $&  Ì     P%Q  DE    ´µÔ”DE    O  –7   Ž/´ µ    OžŸ d±  /  Ì  DE .{£ žŸDE F q  C DE L q1£ /– [L I  L ß N 2OL  L I  L‚1 C# DE F ì C  R    L¡¢f L›œ C Z LÄ8 L  Ò 2ª L ™DE [L tuf L–“” b R  LŽ L #  } ô õc g †DE Õ! – 78  [ z{ äå   Ì    ¡¢f›œ     žŸ  - ê  ë .{L  L z{ L ™L C ÉT F HI J  C  R L DE L ù  ú L[ C ~c R  C DE F ìïL ‘ L# L DE} d±  /  Ì  DE .{ L ™DE [L...
