In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

>> 215 Aborigines, 20 Abreu, Fernanda, 123 Accents (Brazilian), 87–91 Adam, 93–94 Adams, Yolanda, 132 Adimilson, 65, 86 Advertising, 15 Affirmative action, race and, 176 Africans: in Bible, 160, 163, 165, 172, 173, 177, 186; in Bible, Isabêh on, 172; in Brazil , heritage of, 6; samba and ancestry of, 108–9, 115–16; vocal rhythm of, 109; voice and ancestry of, 137, 143 Afrobrás, 173 Afro-Brazilians: churches, 165–74; culture of, 6; media and, 6 AIDS, 33 Alerta Vermelha, 89 Alex, 32 Aliados de Cristo (Allies in Christ), 64–65, 67 Aliança de Negras e Negros Evangélicos do Brasil, 177 Alibi, 34 Allen, Lara, 183 Allen, Rance, 1–2 Allies in Christ. See Aliados de Cristo Alpiste, DJ, 31, 33–34, 89, 94 Alternativa C, 34 Ancestry: of African and samba, 108–9, 115–16; of Africans and voice, 137, 143; black identity and Brazilian, 168–69, 178–80 Andalusia, 182–83 Anderson, 89, 94 Anderson, Mark, 178 The Anointing, 56–57, 155, 158 Antiessentialism: in gospel rap, 81–87; in gospel samba, 127–29 Antiracist activism, 4–5 Ao Cubo, 34 Apartheid, 183 Apocalipse 16, 34 “Aquarela do Brasil,” 121 Armenian singers, 20 Artists, 26 Asfalto (lower-middle and working class), 14 Assembléia de Deus (Assemblies of God), 8 Assemblies of God. See Assembléia de Deus Atalaia, Lito, 34, 161–62, 163 Atlanta Gospel Choir, 132 Atos II, 50 Atualidade Negra (Black Reality), 32 Avenida Presidente Vargas, 122 Azusa church, 145 Back Spin, 30 Bailes nostalgia (nostalgia dances), 30 Bailes soul (soul dances), 30 Balbino, Jessica, 78 Banda Azusa, 16 Banda Rara, 49 Barroso, Ary, 121 Bars, 71 Beat-boxing, 85 Beat Street, 30 Beauty, perception of, 3–4 Beloved Amada. See “Periferia Amada” Belting (singing technique), 134; feeling of, 139; science of, 138 Ben, Jorge, 30, 48 index 216 > 217 Caderno (notebook), 66, 72, 73 Candéia, 106 Candomblé, 116–17, 137, 176, 187 Capão Redondo, 2, 92 Cara de Leão (the Lion’s Face), 42 Cardoso, Fernando, Henrique, 5 Carfi, Ton, 134 “Caridade” (Charity), 54 Carlito, 67–68, 116 Carnaval, 24, 40, 42, 114, 151; international interest in, 122; Nationalism and, 124; singing groups, 181 Cartola, 106 Casa de Benção (House of Blessing), 8 Casa de Portugal, 30 Cassiano, 30 Causa e efeito (Cause and Effect), 32 Cavaco, 118 Cavaquinho (instrument), 41, 44–45, 106, 107, 118 Cavaquinho, Nelson, 106 Caymmi, Dori, 106 Censorship, 31, 41 Charity. See “Caridade” Charles, Ray, 49, 151 Chayantaka music, 181–82 Cheeks, Julius, 138–39 Chic, Nego, 34 Chic Show, 30 Children, racism and, 177 Choirs, 14, 50, 107, 132; preacher and, 171; rehearsals of, 146. See also specific types Choose Your Path, 32 Choquito, 65, 67–68, 89 Christian Congregation of Brazil. See Congrega ção Cristā do Brasil Christianity: identity and, 10, 158; lyrics and, 126; slavery and, 149–50. See also Jesus Christ Churches: Afro-Brazilian, 165–74; black identity and, 179–80; black leadership in, 165–69; black singing and resistance from, 170; of Brazil, 7–8, 12; dancing in, 110–13, 171; DVDs of black, 133–37; education and, 160, 172; evangelical, 103–4; historical, 7–8; marriage and, 178; music and, 12, 24; prosperity of US, 135; race and, 132–37, 161–62, 165–69; racism and, 103–4, 162–63, 166–67, 168, 172, 177–78; of Rio de Janeiro, 40; rock and roll and, 41; samba and, 125–26; singers and, 132; as “Um Lugar do Negro,” 132–37. See also specific types Cicalo, André, 178 Cidade de Deus, 79 Cinema, 122–23 Cirurgia Moral, 34 Civil rights movement, 91, 151, 153; music and, 154 Clapping, 170 Clapton, Eric, 23 Clark-Sheard, Karen, 140 Clube Homs, 30 Coelho, Juliano, 106 COGIC-Azusa church, 172 Cohen, Sara, 21 Collective identity, 18–24, 180 Comboio, 69 Communication, 71, 73, 84–85 Community: of gospel rappers, 63, 70, 77, 175; lyrics and, 73; music and, 21–22, 118 Comunidade Carisma, 42 Comunidade Evangélica Internacional da Zona Sul, 42 Congregação Cristā do Brasil (Christian Congregation of Brazil), 8 Conjunto, 36 Consciousness, black, 13, 14, 60, 101, 173 Consumption, of music, 41 Continuity, 181 Conversion, 125 Cooke, Sam, 151 Cooley C, 30 “Copa 94,” 123–24 “Copa 98,” 124 Coral Kadmiel, 173 Coral Renovation Mass Choir, 173 Coral Resgate, 173 Crazy Crew, 30 Creativity, hanging out and, 73, 77 Crentes, 44 Cribs, 93 Cristovão, 100 218 > 219 Fábio, 62–65, 68, 77; lyrics of...
