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157 Notes PREFACE 1. K. Treptow and M. Popa, eds., Historical Dictionary of Romania (London: Scarecrow Press, 1996), 25–27. 2. See Victor Eskenasy, “The Holocaust and Romanian Historiography: Communist and Neo-Communist Revisionism,” in The Tragedy of Romanian Jewry, ed. R. L. Braham (Boulder, CO: East European Monograph CDIV, 1994), 173–236; for the politics behind postwar denial of the Romanian Holocaust, see R. L. Braham, Romanian Nationalists and the Holocaust: The Political Exploitation of Unfounded Rescue Accounts (Boulder, CO: East European Monograph CDLXXXIII, 1998). 3. “Wiesel Commission,” Final Report of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania (Yad Vashem, 2004) (Wiesel Commission—Wikipedia). 4. Cartea Neagră: Suferint ele evreilor din România, 1940–1944, 2nd ed., 3 vols. (Bucureşti: Diogene, 1996), CN96, sponsored by B’nai B’rith Foundation and the Goldstein-Goren Center for the History of the Jews in Romania, Tel Aviv. 5. See, for example, J. Alexandru et al., eds., Martiriul evreilor din România, 1940–1944: Documente şi mărturii (Bucureşti: Hasefer, 1991); and Lya Benjamin, comp., Evreii din România între anii 1940–1944, vol. 1, Legislat ia-Antievreiască (Bucureşti: Hasefer, 1993). INTRODUCTION 1. C. Troncotă, Eugen Cristescu, asul Serviciilor Secrete Româneştii: Memorii, mărturii, documente (Bucureşti: R. A. I. and Roza Vânturilor, 1994), 118–19; see also M. Carp, Cartea Neagră, 2nd ed., 3 vols. (Bucureşti: Diogene, 1996) (hereafter CN96), 2: 13; Yad Vashem record group (YVA rg) 0–11/73, War Crimes indictment: Republică Populară Româna, Parchetul Curţii din Bucureşti, Cabinetul Criminalilor de război, dos. Nr. 5260/1947, “Rechizitor . . . pentru cercetarea crimelor sǎvârşite asupra populaţiei din oraşul Iaşi, Stânca Rosnovanu şi Tg. Mărculeşti în lune Iunie 1941” (“Rechizitor”), 11. 2. CN96, 2: 25–26, 74–83; “Rechizitor,” 44–46. 3. S. Manuila and W. Filderman, “Regional Development of the Jewish Population in Romania,” Genus 13 (1957), 153–65; E. Illyes, National Minorities in Romania : Change in Transylvania (Boulder, CO: East European Monographs CXII, 1982), 48–54. 158 N OT E S TO C H A P T E R 1 4. A. Kareţki and M. Covaci, Zile Însîngerate la Iaşi (28–30 iunie 1941) (Bucureşti: Politică, 1978) (hereafter Zile), 89. 5. Y. Arad et al., eds., The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads’ Campaign against the Jews, July 1941–January 1943 (New York: Holocaust Library, 1989), 34. 6. CN96, 2: 48–51 (Borcescu deposition 1945), 75–76 (Matieş reports July 1941). CHAPTER 1 1. A. Ciorănescu, Vasile Alecsandri (New York: Twayne, 1973), 44, 121, 128–29; Leon Volovici, Nationalist Ideology and Antisemitism: The Case of Romanian Intellectuals in the 1930s (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1991), 3, 15, 173. 2. C. Iancu, Les Juifs en Roumanie (1866–1919): De l’exclusion à l’émancipation (Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence, 1978), 34–36. 3. Ibid., 59–62; R. W. Seton-Watson, A History of the Roumanians from Roman Times to the Completion of Unity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1934; reprint, Archon Books, 1963), 262–68, 301–13. 4. Iancu, Les Juifs en Roumanie (1866–1919), 50–54; Seton-Watson, Roumanians , 221–23. 5. Iancu, Les Juifs en Roumanie (1886–1919), 95–98; A. Levy, L’Occident et la persécution israélite en Roumaine (Paris: Noblet, 1870), 4–16. 6. Iancu, Les Juifs en Roumanie (1866–1919), 214–17. 7. Nicolae Iorga, Drumuri şi oraşe din România, 2nd ed. (Bucureşti: Pavel Suiu, 1916), 160. 8. Seton-Watson, Roumanians, 207–11. 9. A. D. Xenopol, Istoria partidelor politice în România, vol. 1 (al Istoriei Românilor, vol. 9), Partea II, dela 1848 până la 1866 (Bucureşti: Baer, 1911), 448–49. 10. Règlement organique de Moldavie, chap. 3, art. 94, cited in Iancu, Les Juifs en Roumanie (1866–1919), 47. 11. Timpul, 13 Oct. 1881, in M. Eminescu, Opere, XII, Publicistică 1 ianuarie–31 decembrie 1881 (Bucureşti: Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1985), 367. 12. C. Codreanu, For My Legionaries: The Iron Guard (Madrid: “Libertatea,” 1976, trans. of 1936 Sibiu edition, Pentru Legionari), 6–7, 91–101. 13. Iorga, Drumuri, 159, 172–73. 14. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (hereafter USHMM), RG 25.004M, reel 32, dos. 40010, vol. 9 (Consiliu de Miniştri, June 17, 1941). 15. CN96, 3: 95. 16. Codreanu, My Legionaries, 82. 17. J. Ancel, “The ‘Christian’ Regimes of Romania and the...
