publisher colophon


1 Wolves—Human and Otherwise

2 What’s in Your Name or Mine?

3 Natural Born Rebels

4 Poverty That Cramps and Then Expands the Soul

5 Wild Boyhood Dreams Fill My Mind and I Act Upon Them

6 Swept into the Human Maelstrom of Chicago

7 I Drive a Coal Wagon—Pile Lumber—Capture a Murderer and Dock Wallop in Milwaukee

8 Married on Credit I Give My Bride a Five-Cent Bouquet and We Take a Wedding Trip on a Street Car

9 I Undertake the Study of Iron Ore and Engage in Exploration and Prospecting

10 My First Trip into the Trackless Wilds of Unexplored Canada

11 Charmed by the Beauty of Sault de Sainte Marie and Fascinated by Its Environs I Choose It as a Home for Life

12 I Am Used as a Political Fulcrum by Jay Hubbell to Pry Out Sam Stephenson

13 The Sacrifice of General Alger to Appease Political Blood Howlers

14 My Association with Hazen S. Pingree Plunges Me into Politics Deeper than Ever

15 I Become a Candidate for Governor to Succeed Hazen S. Pingree

16 The Poetry, Charm, Romance, and Usefulness of Iron Ore

17 Iron Ore Bacteria

18 Reading the Story of the Stones as Printed on the Pages of the Earth’s Surface

19 Great Lean Outcropping of Iron Ore Unseen under the Very Eyes of the World

20 Into the Heart of the Arctic Lapland Where the Mysteries Are Attuned to the Muffled Footfalls of Silence

21 Deposits of Iron Ore and Beds of Coal under the Shadow of the Pole

22 A Starvation Hike to Hunt for a Hidden Range of Iron Ore

23 Fatherly Attitude of John W. Gates and John J. Mitchell

24 Eating Moose Meat from One Year’s End to Another at the Moose Mountain Camp

25 Sir Donald Mann Proposes to Use Double-Bitted Axes as Weapons in a Duel with a Russian Count

26 World Workers in Iron in All Ages

27 Concentration of Lean Ores in the United States—Siderite—Magnetite—Hematite

28 Accidental Fortunes from Iron Ore

29 Mesaba Range in Minnesota, the Greatest Iron Ore District the World Has Ever Known

30 Consideration of Charles Evans Hughes, Woodrow Wilson, and Others in Searching for a Successor to James B. Angell at the University of Michigan

31 Tom May’s Kerry Philosophy a Social Thermometer

32 I Am Elected Governor of Michigan

33 I Start a Fight against the Saloon That Keeps Up to the End

34 Fighting for the Life of Michigan against the Human Bloodsuckers That Subsist on Society Everywhere

35 My Part in the Presidential Campaign of 1912

36 Off for Madagascar, Asia, and Africa for a Long Tour in the Unusual Parts of the Earth

37 Some References to Burma, Ceylon, Cochin-China, Turkestan, Persia

38 I Discover Another Great Iron Ore Range That Will Someday Help to Supply the World

39 Many People of Michigan Again Urge Me to Take Up the Gonfalon for Better Things in the State

40 In Conclusion

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