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ABM missiles, 84, 120 ABM treaty, 22, 120, 121–22 Acker, Kathy, 6 Adorno, Theodor, 11 Agamben, Giorgio, 111, 171n8, 174–75n11 Alperovitz, Gar, 169n25 anxiety, nuclear, 6, 12, 56, 152, 165–66n47 apocalypse: definition of, 11–12, 50; as literary problem, 29, 167n15; in relation to nuclear war, 26, 50, 164n14 Arabian Nights, 26, 97 Arendt, Hannah, 96–97 Atwood, Margaret, 155 Auden, W. H., 145 authenticity, concept of, 111 Baldwin, Stanley, 167n21 Ballard, J. G., 12, 14, 16, 151; “The Secret History of World War 3,” 8–11 Barth, John, 19–20, 23–41, 46, 47, 54, 57, 86, 125, 152, 167n12, 167n15, 175n1; Chimera, 24, 167n12; The End of the Road, 24, 25, 26, 29; The Floating Opera, 25, 26, 29–40, 47, 54; Giles GoatBoy , 20, 25, 26–28, 39–40, 167n12; “The Literature of Exhaustion,” 25, 28; Lost in the Funhouse, 24; “Muse, Spare Me,” 25–26, 28; reputation of, 23; Sabbatical, 24; shape of career, 23–27; The SotWeed Factor, 26 Barthelme, Donald, 1, 6, 21, 85, 86–92, 94, 96–97, 103, 155, 173nn39–40; “After Joyce,” 85; “The Balloon,” 85; “Game,” 21, 86–92, 94; Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts, 86 Bartter, Martha A., 165n34 battlefield, changes in nature of, 36–37 Baudrillard, Jean, 103, 105, 106 Beck, Ulrich, 85, 106 Bel Geddes, Norman, 136, 176n16 Belletto, Steven, 166n49, 172n14, 173n37, 173n40 Bellow, Saul, 4 Benjamin, Walter, 5, 134, 141 Bercovitch, Sacvan, 75 Berger, Charles, 168n19 Berger, James, 12 Berlant, Lauren, 170n3 Bernstein, Michael André, 144–45 biopolitics, 174–75n11 Bové, Paul, 168n2 Boyer, Paul, 12, 19, 77, 164n23, 164n27, 165n38, 166nn51–52, 170n40 Breitwieser, Mitchell, 74–75 Brians, Paul, 18 Brodie, Bernard, 80, 82 Brooks, Peter, 5 Brunner, Edward, 165n46 Canaday, John, 165n46 Index 192 / INDEX Carmichael, Virginia, 170n5 Carter, Dale, 168n18 Caruth, Cathy, 129–30 Chaloupka, William, 174n2 Chandler, Raymond, 53 Chow, Rey, 166n47 Cirincione, Joseph, 166n56 city, Cold War effects on, 52–53, 140 “city-killing,” strategy of, 54, 119, 169n34 civil defense, 60, 170n4, 171n2, 172n12 civil rights, 157 Clark, Suzanne, 156, 165n46 Cohen, Samuel, 19, 170n38, 177n26 Cohn, Carol, 174n2 Cold War: allegories of, 26–29, 66–71; beginning of, 51; cultural criticism concerning, 17–18, 165–66nn46–48; effect of end, 18–19, 145, 161, 166n50; effects of, 17–19, 20, 26, 29, 39, 40–41, 48, 51–53, 55–56, 58, 60–75, 76, 87, 98– 103, 124, 125, 131–33, 139–40, 144, 152, 156–57, 160, 161 containment culture, 17, 60, 62–63, 155, 166n48 Cooper, Ken, 157 Coover, Robert, 6, 21, 59–62, 63–67, 69–75, 86, 92–97, 103, 135, 160; The Public Burning, 21, 59–62, 63–67, 69–75, 135, 160; The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop., 21, 92–96 Cordle, Daniel, 152, 163n11, 165n45, 165–66n47, 166n53, 172n8, 177n26 Corkin, Stanley, 171n13 Cornis-Pope, Marcel, 165n46 counterforce strategy, 83–84, 88, 119, 169n34, 172nn27–28 Cowart, David, 109, 168n12, 174n8, 174n11, Cuban Missile Crisis, 18, 26, 56, 78 cybernetics, 88–89 Davis, Kimberly Chabot, 176n10 Davis, Tracy C., 165n46, 172n12 Davis, Walter A., 165–66n47 The Day After, 57, 170n41 Deardorff, Donald L., 174n5 death, changes in nature of, 7–8, 12, 14, 19, 29–40, 45–46, 81, 97, 111, 141, 153, 157–59, 160 defense: contracting, 52, 55; intellectuals, 21, 27, 79–85; strategy, 56, 79–85, 96, 105, 115–19; is a dangerous thing, 120–21 DeKoven, Marianne, 164n16 De Landa, Manuel, 92, 173n45 Deleuze, Gilles, 53 DeLillo, Don, 1, 4, 5, 6, 22, 85, 104–23, 124, 139, 174n4, 174n8; Americana, 105; End Zone, 22, 104–23; Great Jones Street, 105; language as subject in 104–12; Libra, 4; reception of, 85, 105–6; relation to risk, 104–6; White Noise, 105–6; Underworld, 139, 174n61 Demilitarized Zone, the, 98 demographics, Cold War changes in, 52–53, 140 Derrida, Jacques, 11–12, 13, 14, 18, 49–50, 57–58, 67, 166n47 Dewey, Joseph, 165n46 Diacritics, 18 Dickstein, Morris, 166n49 Didion, Joan, 149–54; Democracy, 149–54, 176n2, 176n5; The Last Thing He Wanted, 176n2; “Pacific Distances,” 153; Play It as It Lays, 154; Run River, 154 Dirda, Michael, 167n10 Doctorow, E. L., 3 Dollimore, Jonathan, 43 Doomsday Clock, the, 69, 73 Douglas, Ann, 156–57 Dowling, David, 165n46 Dr. Strangelove, 49, 57, 121, 173n41 Dresden, bombing of, 82 Dubey, Madhu, 155 Dudziak, Mary L., 177n18 Dugdale, John, 48–49, 55 Dulles, John Foster, 82 Eden, Lynn, 81–82 Edwards, Paul N...
