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259 INDEX Abbott I–XXI. See Abbott v. Burke Abbott v. Burke, 2, 46, 50, 72n. 8, 175, 195–233, 247, 248, 251, 253n. 44; acknowledgment of underfunding of SFRA in, 219; approach to by Christie, 210–214; background, 200–201; court finding that constitutional rights of students repeatedly violated by state, 218, 219; criticism of government for failure to honor bargain with court in, 216, 217, 218; duration of, 199; judicial opinions in, 215–224; “money doesn’t matter” defense, 208, 209, 213; results for poor urban school districts, 199–200; serious criticism of state attempts to disparage funding laws, 219, 220; significance of, 197–200; “thorough and efficient” education and, 197, 207–224 abortion: back-alley, 96, 110; bans on public funding for, 97–98; challenges to New Jersey statute as failure to provide coverage for medically necessary, 102; criminalization of, 95, 96; federal regulation prohibiting Legal Services from representing women seeking, 101; legislative efforts to restrict, 95–97; life-saving, 97; medically necessary/elective, 50, 99–117, 119n. 33, 119n. 34, 119n. 36, 120n. 49; publicly funded, 95–117; rape/incest and, 97, 99, 117n. 4; religious views on, 104, 105; right to, 95–117; Roe v. Wade and, 95, 96; stateimposed restrictions on, 96; state’s interest in, 96; trimester decisions on, 96 Abrahamson, Chief Justice Shirley, 134, 135 activism: court, 1, 2; judicial, 175, 179 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (2012), 194n. 55 Administrative Process Project (Rutgers Law School), 25 Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center (ADTC), 178 Advance Directives for Health Care Act (1991), 91 Aid to Dependent Children program, 73n. 22 Albin, Justice Barry, 205, 213, 214, 220, 221, 222 Alzheimer’s dementia, 93 American Bar Association (ABA), 237 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 25 American Law Institute, 15 American Medical Association (AMA), 81, 87; Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, 82 amicus curiae briefs: in Abbott v. Burke, 230n. 18; in In re Karen Ann Quinlan, 83; in Right to Choose v. Byrne, 112, 113; in Robinson v. Cahill, 196 Andrews v. City of Philadelphia, 172n. 49 Armstrong, Judge Paul W., 77–94, 243 Artway v. Attorney General of New Jersey, 179, 184, 185 Austin v. United States, 184 Automobile Manufacturers Association, 11 Avallone, Fran, 98 Baker, Garber & Chazen (law firm), 8 Bartling, William, 86 Bateman Tanzman Act (1973), 200 Baylous, Donald, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 166, 168, 171nn. 3, 4 Beal v. Doe, 114, 117n. 6, 119n. 34 Beck, Senator Jennifer, 232n. 88 Becker, Chief Judge Edward, 184, 186 Bell, Derrick, 63, 71 bioethics, 78 Bissell, Chief Judge John, 192n. 13, 193n. 39 Blackmun, Justice Harry, 114 Bogus, Carl, 20 Botter, Judge Theodore, 197, 198 Brennan, Justice William Jr., 105, 123, 241, 242, 252n. 28 Brown v. Board of Education, 197 Brownell, Attorney General Herbert, 241 Byrne, Governor Brendan, 60, 97, 243, 246 Cahill, Governor William, 242 Cahn, Jean and Edgar, 36 California Natural Death Act (1976), 91 California Supreme Court, 245; divergence from United States Supreme Court, 131; Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc., 14, 15 Camden (New Jersey): population decline in, 40n. 5; rioting in, 24 Cardozo, Justice Benjamin, 7, 13, 94 260 INDEX cases, court: Abbott v. Burke, 46, 50, 72n. 8, 195–228; abortion funding, 95–117; Andrews v. City of Philadelphia, 172n. 49; Artway v. Attorney General of New Jersey, 179, 184, 185; Austin v. United States, 184; Beal v. Doe, 114, 117n. 6, 119n. 34; best interests of children, 139–149; child custody, 139–149; Coles v. Celluloid Manufacturing Co., 41n. 24; common ground vs. divide-and-conquer strategies in, 57; on constitutional rights, 195–228; consumer, xi; Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 88; Diaz v. Whitman, 179, 192n. 13; Doe v. Bolton, 117n. 2; Doe v. Poritz, 175–191; E.B. v. Verniero, 186, 189; education reform, 195–228; exclusionary zoning practices and racial segregation, 45; gambling, 123–136; Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc., 14, 15; Harris v. McRae, 112, 114, 115, 119n. 30, 119n. 36; Henningsen v. Bloomfield Motors, xi, 5–20; Hills Development Co. v. Bernards Twp., 59; hostile work environment, 153–170; housing, 23–39, 45–71; implementation of rulings dependent on actions of executive and legislative branches, 58; inequality, 45–71; In re Karen Ann Quinlan, 77–94, 107, 119n. 27; Jamgochian v. New Jersey State Parole Bd., 190; Javins v. First National Realty, Corp., 23; John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital v. Heston, 80, 118n. 26; Kansas v. Hendricks, 185, 186; Kennedy...
