In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

v CONTENTS Foreword vii MÔ BLEEKER Acknowledgments ix Introduction: Toward an Anthropology of Transitional Justice 1 ALEXANDER LABAN HINTON PART ONE Transitional Frictions 1 Identifying Srebrenica’s Missing: The “Shaky Balance” of Universalism and Particularism 25 SARAH WAGNER 2 The Failure of International Justice in East Timor and Indonesia 49 ELIZABETH F. DREXLER 3 Body of Evidence: Feminicide, Local Justice, and Rule of Law in “Peacetime” Guatemala 67 VICTORIA SANFORD AND MARTHA LINCOLN PART TWO Justice in the Vernacular 4 (In)Justice: Truth, Reconciliation, and Revenge in Rwanda’s Gacaca 95 JENNIE E. BURNET 5 Remembering Genocide: Hypocrisy and the Violence of Local/Global “Justice” in Northern Nigeria 119 CONERLY CASEY 6 Genocide, Affirmative Repair, and the British Columbia Treaty Process 137 ANDREW WOOLFORD 7 Local Justice and Legal Rights among the San and Bakgalagadi of the Central Kalahari, Botswana 157 ROBERT K. HITCHCOCK AND WAYNE A. BABCHUK PART THREE Voice, Truth, and Narrative 8 Testimonies, Truths, and Transitions of Justice in Argentina and Chile 179 ANTONIUS C.G.M. ROBBEN 9 Judging the “Crime of Crimes”: Continuity and Improvisation at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 206 NIGEL ELTRINGHAM 10 Building a Monument: Intimate Politics of “Reconciliation” in Post-1965 Bali 227 LESLIE DW YER Afterword: The Consequences of Transitional Justice in Particular Contexts 249 ROGER DUTHIE Contributors 257 Index 261 v i CONT ENTS ...
