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313 General Index Abbo, Abbot, 121 Abraham Philosophus, 81 Absalon, Prior, 142, 143 Accessio ex Codice Harleiano, 139 Acton, John, 286–87 Acts, Book of, 195 Adalbold of Utrecht, Bishop, 148 Ademar of Chabannes, 124, 126, 133–34 Admonitio synodalis, 209 Albertus Magnus, 279 Albigensian Crusade, 218 Aldebert III, Count, 126 Alexander III, Pope, 215, 266 Altmann of Passau, 213 Amalarius of Metz, 210 Amphilochius, 84 Anastasius, Emperor, 219 anathema: as distinguished from excommunication , 108–9, 110, 114; and Judas, 113; summula on, 107–17 Andrew of Hungary, King, 210–11 Anselm of Limoges, Bishop, 124 Anselm of Lucca: Collectio canonum, 18, 19, 22–23, 32, 59, 78 Anthemius, Emperor, 234–35 Apollonius, 83, 84 Aquitaine: papal authority in, 119–35 Arcadius, Emperor, 212, 243 Arezzo. See Siena v. Arezzo Arnaldus of Arezzo, Bishop, 242, 247 Arnold of Heiligenberg (anti-bishop), 194 Arnulf of Orléans, 121 Arsenal Collection, 3–14; and the Caesaraugustana , 19–20; dating of, 18–19 Arundel, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 257 Atrebatensis, 34 Augustine, St., 68, 111, 113; rule of, 189, 293, 294 Augustinus Triumphus, 282 Aulus Cluentius, 243 Austin, Greta, 3–14 Avril, Joseph, 263, 264 Bacon, Roger, 276 Bakhuizen Van den Brink, Jan N., 149–50, 151 Baldric of Bourgeuil, 228 Banks, S. E., 220, 227 Bartholomaeus Brixiensis, 279 Bartrop, Frederick Fox, 156 Basil, St.: Canonical Epistles, 84; De spiritu sancto, 80; texts attributed to, 76–77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87 Bassac, monastery at, 132 Beach Alison I., 185–98 Beauvais, abbey of St. Simphorien at, 163–64 Becker, Alfons, 59 Benedetto Caetani, Cardinal, 281 Benedict, St., 192 Benedict VII, Pope, 129–30 Benedict VIII, Pope, 3, 132, 134 Benedict IX, Pope, 126, 128, 129 Benedictus Levita, 57, 69 Benson, Robert L., 219 Berengar of Tours, 163 Berges, Wilhelm, 216 Bernard of Hildesheim, 204, 212 Bernold of Constance (Konstanz), 58, 166; and the investiture conflict, 201–2, 203, 204, 206–7, 208, 209–10, 211, 212, 213; Apologeticae rationes, 201, 212; De solutione iuramentorum , 212 Berthold of Reichenau, 211–12, 213 Bertolf, Abbot, 195–97 Bertram of Metz, 138 Binns, J. W., 220, 227 Bischoff, Bernard, 150 Blanche, Queen of Navarre, 291 Blumenthal, Uta-Renate, 15–27 314  General Index Boniface of Canossa, Margrave, 31 Boniface, St., 202 Boniface IV, Pope, 204 Boniface VIII, Pope, 281, 295; Periculoso decree of, 284–87, 289–90 Bonizo of Sutri, 33 Borst, Arno, 192 Boulers, Bishop Reginald, 257 Brasington, Bruce C., 37, 107–17 Bretland, Martin, 156 Brett, Martin, 143, 163–82; and the Arsenal Collection, 3, 4–5, 7, 9, 14, 18–19, 20 Bromyard, John, 275, 276 Brundage, James A., 272–83 Budé, Jean, 159 Bulgarus, 137, 240, 249 Burchard, Bishop of Worms, 4, 78, 148; and the Collectio Burdegalensis, 41, 43–45, 47–55; Decretum/Liber decretorum (BD/LD), 9, 11, 23, 28–40, 41, 43–45, 47–55, 58, 61, 67, 86–87, 207, 208 Busch, Johannes, 289, 290 Calixtus II, Pope, 238, 241, 242, 244 Cambrai: synodal statutes from, 265–69 canon law. See civil procedure, treatises on; Roman law; theology Canones Gregorii, 33, 34 Capitula Angilramni, 211 Capitula iudiciorum, 33, 34 Capitula legis Romanae, 26, 27. See also Roman law Caraccioli, Francesco, 282 Cassiodorus, 210 Cellot, Louis, 150 Chalcedon, Council of, 67 Charibert, King, 202, 205, 211 Charlemagne, Emperor, 222, 242 Charles the Bald, 122 Charroux, monastery of, 127, 129 Cheney, Christopher, 141, 253, 256–57, 258 Cheney, Mary, 141 Childeric III, King, 202, 205, 211, 212 Chronica Greca, 82, 83 Cicero, 243 civil procedure, treatises on, 136–43 clandestine marriage: synodal statutes on, 259–62, 266, 269, 270–71 Clavis canonum (Fowler-Magerl), 23, 33, 77, 238 Clement V, Pope, 259 Clermont, Council of (1095), 166, 228, 231 Clermont, Council of (1130), 234 Cluny, monastery at, 121 Codex (Justinian), 27, 138, 234–35, 237, 247, 250 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 158, 159 Collectio Angelica, 85 Collectio Anselmo dedicata, 23 Collectio Ashburnhamensis, 17 Collectio Atrebatensis, 59 Collectio Britannica (CB), 84; and the Arsenal Collection, 3–4, 6, 7, 10–11, 12; and the Caesaragustana , 23, 27; and Justinian’s Digest, 15–16, 21 Collectio Burdegalensis, 41–55; and Burchard’s Decretum, 41, 43–45, 47–55; and Gregorian Reform, 41–42, 53, 54–55; origins of, 53–54; sources for, 47–52; textual relationship of the two transmissions, 43–47; topics included in, 52–55 Collectio canonum Barberiniana, 29, 86 Collectio canonum Caesaraugustana (CA), 3, 12; and the Arsenal Collection, 19–20; and the Ivonian Decretum, 19...
