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 Index Abington v. Schempp, , – Accountability, –,  Adler, Mortimer, , ,  Aeterni Patris, , – Allers, Rudolph,  American Bar Association,  American idealists,  American Medical Association,  American Psychiatric Association,  American Revolution,  Analytic tradition, , – Anglican Church,  Antigone,  Aristotle, –, , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , ,  Atonement,  Authority, – Averroes, – Babbitt, Irving, ,  Bailey, William C.,  Barbarism,  Baron Thurlaw,  Bauer, Bruno, – Baybrooke, David,  Being: as an object of study,  Bellarmine, Robert,  Belloc, Hilaire, ,  Belief, – Benedictine monasteries, – Bentham, Jeremy, ,  Berdyayev, Nicholas,  Bergson, Henri, , , , ,  Berns, Walter, , ,  Bible reading, , ,  Biblical: criticism, ; morality, ; scholarship, , ,  Bill of Rights, ,  Black, Hugo, ,  Blake, Eugene Carson,  Bloy, Leon,  Body politic: Maritain’s definition, –,  Bolzano, Bernard, ,  Bonum honestum,  Bonum utile,  Brennan, William,  Brentano, Franz, ,  Brother Godfrey,  Brownson, Orestes, – Bonaparte, (Princess) Marie,  Burke, Edmund,  Bureau of Justice Statistics,  Calvin, John, , , ,  Capital punishment, –, , , –, –, – Castro, Fidel,  Catholic Church, –, , , , –, , , ,  Catholic education, , –, , ,  Catholic faith, –, , –, , , , – Catholic social teaching, –,  Catholic teacher, –  [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 21:12 GMT)   [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 21:12 GMT) Catholic women,  Causality, , , , , – Chalcedon,  Chinese culture,  Christianity, xii, –, , , , , , ,  Christian philosophy, – Church-state relations, , –, – Cicero, , , , , , ,  Civil law, xii, , , ,  Civic consensus, , , ,  Collective conscience, – Collective guilt, –, –, – Collective responsibility, –, –, – Collingwood, R. G.,  Common culture,  Common good, , , , –, , , , , , , , ,  Common law, , , , , , , , ,  Comte, Auguste, , ,  Conrad-Martius, Hedwig, ,  Constitution, U.S., , , , , , ,  Cord, Robert L., ,  Corson, Fred Perce,  Critical legal studies, –,  Darwin, Charles, ,  Dawson, Christopher, –, , , ,  de Fabrègues, Jean,  de Rougement, Denis, ,  de Unamuno, Miguel, , , ,  Democracy, –, , , , –,  Derrida, Jacques,  Descartes, Rene, , ,  Devlin, (Lord) Patrick, , –, , , ,  Dewart, Leslie,  Dewey, John, xii, , , , –, , –, , , , , , –,  Diderot, Denis, ,  Divine law, , , ,  Douzinas, C.,  Dougherty, Jude P., vii–viii,  Douglas, William O.,  Durkheim, Emil, , , ,  Dworkin, Ronald, , , , ,  Education, , –, –, –, , –, , –, , –, ,  Einstein, Albert,  Essence of an object of knowledge,  Engle v.Vitali, –, ,  Enlightenment, the, , –, , , –, , , , , , –,  Everson v. Board of Education, ,  Faith and reason, xiii, –, , , , –, , , , – Farber, Marvin,  Fathers of the Church,  Fay, William,  Federalism, – Feinberg, Joel, , ,  Feuerbach, Ludwig, , , ,  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,  Fides et Ratio, xiii, – Finnis, John, ,  First Amendment, –, , , , ; establishment clause of, , –, –, , , ; free exercise clause of,  Framers, U.S. Constitution, –, , ,  French, Peter A., , , ,  Freud, Sigmund, –, , , – Foucault, Michel,  Gandhi, Mahatma,  Gerwith, Alan,  Gilson,Etienne,,,–,,, Globalization, – God, –; demonstration of existence of, , , ; natural knowledge of, –, ; personal union with, , ,  Goodman, L. E.,  Goodness,  Gordon, Robert W., –  Index Gospels,  Grabmann, Martin,  Graef, Hilda,  Gray, John,  Greek philosophy, –,  Green, Nicholas St. John, –,  Grisez, Germain,  Griswold, Erwin, – Habermas, Jürgen,  Haeckel, Ernst,  Happiness, , ,  Hart, H. L. A.,  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F., , –, , , , , , ,  Heidegger, Martin, , ,  Herberg, Will, , ,  Hippocrates, ,  Hippocratic oath, ,  Hitler, Adolf, , ,  Hobbes, Thomas, –, , ; view of sovereign, – Holmes, Oliver Wendell,  Honderich, Ted, ,  Hook, Sidney, , , , , , , , –, ,  Huber, Peter W., , – Human nature, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Human rights, , , , – Hume, David, , , , , , , ,  Huntington, Benjamin,  Husserl, Edmund, xiii, –, , , –, ,  Hutchins, Robert M.,  Huxley, Aldonus,  Intellectuals: their influence, , , ,  Jaeger, Werner, –,  James, William, , ,  Jaspers, Karl, – Jefferson, Thomas, ,  Jesus Christ, , , , , , , , –, ,  John Paul II, Pope, vii, xiii, , –. See also Wojtyla, Karol Justice, , , , , , –,  Justinian, ,  Justitia vindicativa,  Kant, Immanuel, , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , ,  Kaplan, J. M.,  Kaplan, Morton, , – Kelly, Dean M.,  Kennedy, John F.,  Kessler, Silas G.,  Kierkegaard, Søren, ,  Kilwarby, Roger,  Kirk, Russell,  Kissinger, Henry,  Knaplund, Paul,  Koyré, Alexander, ,  Law, purpose of, , , , , ,  Law, changing, , , –, – Lemon v. Kurtzman, – Leo XIII, Pope, , , , , –, , ,  Lévi-Strauss, David,  Lewis, H. D.,  Liability, , –,  Lichter, S. Robert, , – Lippmann, Walter, , ,  Livermore, Samuel,  Livius, Titus (Livy), , ,  Locke, John, , ,  Lomse, Bernard,  Lonergan, Bernard,  Lowith, Karl,  Lucas, J. R., – Luhmann, N.,  Lukes, Steven,  Lukács, Georg,  Luther, Martin, –, , , , , Index  [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 21:12 GMT) , ,  Lyons, David,  MacIntyre, Alasdair, –, , , , ,  Machan, Tibor,  Madison, James, ,  Maritain, Jacques, vii, xii, xiii, , –, , , –, , , , , , –,  Maritain, Raïssa,  Market share,  Martin, Rex,  Marty, Martin, ,  Marx, Werner, – Marx, Karl, xii, , , , , , , –, , , , , , , ,  Materialism, xii, , , , , , , , ,  May, Larry, –,  McInerny, Ralph,  Media outlook, –, – Mercier, Desiré J.,  Mens rea, ,  Metaphysics, , –, , , ,  Mill, John Stuart, , ,  Modernism, , , , , , – Mohammed,  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis,  Moral agency, , ,  Moral faith,  Morality and the rule of law, –, – Moses, ,  Mother Theresa,  Murray, John Courtney, xii, , , –, ,  Nagel, Ernest, , –,  National Council of Churches,  Natural law, xi, xii, –, , , –, , –, –, , , , –,  Naturalism, , , –, – Nef, John,  Negligence, – Newman, John Henry, Cardinal,  Nickel, James W.,  Nietzsche, Frederick, , , , , , – Noonan, John,  Ockham, William,  O’Hagan, Timothy,  Origen,  Owens, Joseph, ,  Pace, Edward A.,  Personal responsibility,  Philosophy, –, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , –, , –, –, , , –, , , –, –, – Pius X, Pope,  Plato, , , , , , , ,  Political rights, , , , ,  Positivism, , ,  Pragmatism, –, , – Progress, , , –,  Protestant Christianity, –, , , , , , – Prudential judgment, , , , ,  Przywara, Erich, ,  Public philosophy, –, – Punishment, xii, – Randall, Jr., John H., , ,  Rawls, John, ,  Rehnquist, William, – Reformation, , ,  Rehabilitation,  Religion, xi–xiii, –, –, –; as a purely private affair,  Religious institutions, ,  Religious plurality, , , ,  Religious unity, ,  Responsibility, xii, –; professional,  Index – Retribution, –, , , ,  Revelation, , , –, , , , , , , , , , , ,  Rights claims, – Rights, individual,  Roman law, –, , , , ,  Roosevelt, Franklin,  Rorty, Richard, ,  Rothman, Stanley, , – Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, , , ,  Royce, Josiah, –,  Ritschl, Albrecht, ,  Ryan, John A., –,  St. Albert,  St. Ambrose, , ,  St. Anselm, ,  St. Augustine, , , , ,  St. Benedict, , , – St. Bernard of Clairvaux,  St. Bonaventure, ,  St. Gervase,  St. Gregory,  St. Jerome,  St. John Chrysostom,  St. John of the Cross, ,  St. Paul,  St. Protase,  St. Teresa of Avila, ,  St. Thomas Aquinas, vii, xi, xiii, –, , , , , , , , –, , , , –, , –, , , , –, , –, , , , , –, , , ,  Sartre...
