In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ConTenTs Acknowledgments vii Abbreviations ix Maps x Introduction 1 Jeff Rider & Alan V. Murray ParT one. galberT of brUges aT Work 1. “Wonder with Fresh Wonder”: Galbert the Writer and the Genesis of the De multro 13 Jeff Rider ParT TWo. galberT of brUges anD The DeveloPmenT of insTiTUTions 2. Galbert of Bruges and “Law Is Politics” 39 R. C. Van Caenegem 3. Not European Feudalism, but Flemish Feudalism: A New Reading of Galbert of Bruges’s Data on Feudalism in the Context of Early Twelfth-Century Flanders 56 Dirk Heirbaut 4. Galbert of Bruges and the Urban Experience of Siege 89 Steven Isaac ParT Three. galberT of brUges anD The PoliTiCs of genDer 5. Galbert’s Hidden Women: Social Presence and Narrative Concealment 109 Nancy F. Partner vi ConTenTs 6. The Language of Misogyny in Galbert of Bruges’s Account of the Murder of Charles the Good 126 Martina Häcker 7. The Tears of Fromold: The Murder of Charles the Good, Homoeroticism, and the Ruin of the Erembalds 145 Bert Demyttenaere ParT foUr. The meanings of hisTory 8. The Devil in Flanders: Galbert of Bruges and the Eschatology of Political Crisis 183 Alan V. Murray 9. Death from a Trivial Cause: Events and Their Meanings in Galbert of Bruges’s Chronicle 200 Robert M. Stein 10. History as Fabliau and Fabliau as History: The Murder of Charles the Good and Du provost a l’aumuche 215 Lisa H. Cooper & Mary Agnes Edsall 11. Chronicles of Revolt: Galbert of Bruges’s De multro and Jean Froissart’s Chronique de Flandre 240 Godfried Croenen Selected Bibliography 261 Contributors 279 Index 283 ...
