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 academic freedom, 286–89, 295–97, 300 agent of truth: Christ as, 140, 178; Holy Spirit as, 146; as the person, 77, 137, 140, 143, 171–72, 182, 191, 197, 205, 308; and phenomenology , 79; and quotation, 83 analogy: of attribution, 56–59, 65; in Christian discourse, 37, 45–46, 52, 56, 59–65; depends on distinctions, 63; different from metaphor , 56–58, 63; of proportionality, 45–46, 56–59, 64; as putting things in context, 57–59; as two-edged swords, 57, 64; in the world, 56–59; in religious discourse, 59–65 angels: as persons, 199, 202; as singular, 201; as spirits and not souls, 155 animals: benevolence and malevolence of, 160–61; cunning of, 46, 56–58; as not having speech, 153, 169–70; as not leading their lives, 136–37; 160–62, 166–67, 175, 201–4; and souls, 154–56; and relationships, 174–75, 183 animation, 154–59, 202 Anselm, St.: on argument for existence of God, 18; on unbelief, 32 Appleton, Josie, 217 Aquinas, St.Thomas: on analogy, 64–65; on Averroes, 158; on the Eucharist, 96–97, 104–5, 107; on the existence of God, 33; and Fides et Ratio, 15; on freedom, 136, 166; on natural law, 229–31, 233; on oral teaching of Christ, 127; on polygamy, 233; and streamlinedThomism, 164, 304–6; and tradition , 267; on theTrinity, 131, 211–12 aristocracy, 184–86, 188 Aristotle: on analogy, 56, 58–59; on aristocracy, 185; on choice, 216; on friendship, 104, 173, 177, 206–9, 233; on the godlike man, 206; on gods, 13–15, 18, 52, 158, 208, 267; on happiness, 215; on honor as not the greatest good, 232; on impulsive conduct, 221; on justice, 206, 224; on language, 78; on making distinctions, 65; on moral duty, 228; on politics, 128, 180–89, 193–94; on prepolitical society, 195; on prudence, 255; on refutation , 231; on republics, 184–85, 188; on substance, 41, 75, 158; on technē, 250; on the theoretic life and politics, 191; andThomas Aquinas, 304; on tyranny, 186; on unity of man, 158 artifacts: as different from natural substances, 156–58; as having ends, 216–18; unity of, 41, 223, 260 Augustine, St., 13, 229, 267 Averroes, 14, 158 Bacon, Francis, 54, 245, 284 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 55, 61, 132 Barber, Bernard, 250–51 beatific vision, 2 Berengarius ofTours, 74 Besançon,Alain: on Christian faith, 33; on Church and politics, 197; on iconoclasm, 73, 75, 180; on paganism, 4; on the Soviet regime, 192; on weakness in catechesis, 302 Bickerton, Derek, 152–53, 158–59, 162, 169 bishops: and the academic world, 125–27, 293, 296; and the creed, 121–22; and experts, 127, 293, 296; and the religion of humanity, 127–28; as teachers of tradition, 115–22, 291–93; as teaching about nature, 123–25; as teaching, governing, and sanctifying, 115–19 Index BlessedVirgin Mary: and context of Creation, 19; and the Eucharist, 110; and the Immaculate Conception, 125; and the Incarnation, 75, 83, 120; and the offertory, 94, 112; as redeemed, 110–11 Bloom, Paul, 205 Bodin, Jean, 189 Boethius: definition of person, 133, 176, 181–82 Brague, Rémi, 180 Braine, David, 168, 306 Calvin,William H., 152, 158, 169 Casel, Dom Odo, O.S.B., 97 Chalcedon, Council of: 43, 72–73, 282 charity: in believers, 43, 115, 129, 177, 210–13, 232–33, 282; in Creation, 17, 102, 111; and faith, 117; in the HolyTrinity, 2, 70, 144, 212; in Incarnation and Redemption, 17– 18, 69, 102, 128, 212; and natural virtues, 303–4; in the professions, 249, 266–67; and the religion of humanity, 128 choice: and autonomy, 222, 261; in Creation, 4, 30, 41–43, 49, 51–52, 102, 142, 208, 211, 247, 282; as different from generation, 158; and life, 190; concerning liturgy, 291, 295; and moral character, 160, 196, 203–4, 210, 216, 223, 255, 307; and natural law, 226; in pagan religion, 142; and unbelief, 32, 142; and veracity, 21 Christian distinction, 4, 30–31, 37–41, 45–50, 61–64 Church: as apostolic, 116, 123; and creed, 55, 121; and Eucharist, 69–75, 81–83, 88–96, 111, 117, 290–92; and Holy Spirit, 145–46, 249; and political life, 196–98; and professions , 266; and secularization, 297–98; and seminaries, 300; as witness to Christ, 34, 122; as witness to human nature, 163–64 Churchland, Patricia Smith, 152 Churchland, Paul, 152 Clarke,W. Norris, S.J., 62 Cobb-Stevens, Richard, 306 Comte...
