In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CONTENTS Preface / vii Acknowledgments / ix List of Abbreviations / xi Maps / xii Introduction /  Background /  Structure and Genre /  Written Sources /  Oral Sources and Orality /  Art and Architecture in the LPR /  Note on Editions andThisTranslation /  The Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna /  PrefatoryVerses /  z Prologue /  z Apollinaris /  z Aderitus /  z Eleucadius /  z Marcian /  z Calocerus /  z Proculus /  z Probus I /  z Datus /  z Liberius I /  z Agapitus /  z Marcellinus /  z Severus /  z Liberius II /  z Probus II /  z Florentius /  z Liberius III /  z Ursus /  z Peter I /  z Neon /  z Exuperantius /  z John I /  z Peter II /  z Aurelian /  z Ecclesius /  z Ursicinus /  z Victor /  z Maximian /  z Agnellus /  z Peter III the Elder /  z John II the Roman /  z Marinian /  z John III /  z John IV /  z Bonus /  z Maurus /  z Reparatus /  z Theodore /  z Damian /  z Felix /  z JohnV /  z Sergius /  z Leo /  z JohnVI /  z Gratiosus /  z Martin /  z George /  z Table of the Bishops of Ravenna /  Glossary of Artistic and ArchitecturalTerminology /  Bibliography /  General Index /  Topographical Index of Ravenna and Classe/  vi  ...
