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Century Theology (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1999). 2. Constantine (306–337); Constantius (337–361). 3. L. Barnard, “Marcellus of Ancyra and the Eusebians,” GkOrthThR 25 (1980): 63–76; M. Simonetti, “Ancora su Homoousios a proposito di due recenti studi,” VetChr 17 (1980): 85–98; idem, “Homoousians,” and “Homoousios ,” EECh 1, 396; C. Luibhéid, Eusebius of Caesarea and the Arian Crisis (Dublin, 1981), s.v.: “The Polemic against Marcellus of Ancyra.” 4. Asterius Sophista, Syntagmation, CPG 2817. 5. J. T. Lienhard, “Basil of Caesarea, Marcellus of Ancyra, and ‘Sabellius ’”: ChH 58 (1989): 157–67; idem, “Acacius of Caesarea: Contra Marcellum . Historical and Theological Considerations,” CrSt 10 (1989): 1–21. 6. Hilary, On the Trinity, Book 7, trans. Stephen McKenna, FOTC 25 (1954), 223–71. 7. Julius, Bishop of Rome, 337–352; Athanasius lived, 295–373; see M. Tetz, “Markellianer und Athanasios von Alexandrien. Die markellische Expositio fidei ad Athanasium des Diakons Eugenios von Ankyra,” ZNW 64 (1973): 75–121; idem, “Zur Theologie des Markell von Ankyra, I–III,” ZKG 75 (1964): 217–70; 79 (1968): 3–42; 83 (1972): 145–94; M. Simonetti, “Su alcune opere attribuite di recente a Marcello d’Ancira,” RSLR 9 (1973): 313–29; F. Dinsen, “Homoousios.” Die Geschichte des Begriffs bis zum Konzil von Konstantinopel (381) (Kiel, 1976); W. A. Bienert, “Das vornicaenische oJmoouvsio~ als Ausdruck der Rechtgläubigkeit,” ZKG 90 (1979): 151–75; G. Feige, Die Lehre Markells von Ankyra in der Darstellung seiner Gegner , EThSt 58 (1991). references Q 3, 197–201 — Dr, 178–80 — CPG 2800–2806 — Cath 8, 403, P.-Th. Camelot — EEC 22 , 713–14, R. Lyman — EECh 1, 522, C. Kannengiesser — LThK 7, 4–5, O. Perler — LThK 63 , 1302–3, W. A. Löhr — NCE 9, 1910, V. C. De Clerq — TRE 22, 83–89, K. Seibt LXXXVII. ATHANASIUS THE BISHOP thanasius, bishop of the city of Alexandria,1 having endured many sufferings as a result of the intrigues of the Arians,2 sought refuge with Constans, the governor of Gaul, from where he returned with a letter of commendation ,3 and again, after the death of Constans, he was put to 120 ST. JEROME flight and stayed in hiding until the reign of Jovian, who restored him to his church;4 and he died under Valens.5 2. Two books of his, Against the Pagans,6 are known; and one, Against Valens and Ursacius; a work, On Virginity;7 and many On the Persecutions of the Arians; On the Titles of the Psalms; a history containing The Life of Antony the Monk;8 also JEortastikai;, Festal Letters;9 and many other works which it would take too long to enumerate. notes 1. Chron., a.d. 330 (ed. Helm, 232f.), trans. Donalson, 40: “At Alexandria Athanasius was ordained as the nineteenth bishop.” See also C. Kannengiesser , “The Athanasian Decade, 1974–1984. A Bibliographical Report ,” TS 46 (1985): 524–41; idem, “Bulletin de théologie patristique: Athanase et son siècle,” RechSR 74 (1986): 575–614; idem, Arius and Athanasius (Variorum reprints, 1991). 2. Markus Vinzent, Pseudo-Athanasius. Contra Arianos IV. Eine Schrift gegen Asterius von Kappadokien, Eusebius von Cäsarea, Markell von Ankyra und Photin von Sirmium, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 36 (Leiden: Brill, 1996). 3. Cf. Chron., a.d. 346, ed. Helm, 236e, trans. Donalson, 44. 4. A. Martin, Athanase d’Alexandrie et l’Église d’Égypte au IVe siècle (328–373) (Rome and Paris, 1996). 5. Valens, 364–378. 6. CPG 2090; see Athanasius, Contra Gentes, with intro., trans., and comm. by E. P. Meijering, Philosophia Patrum 7 (Leiden: Brill, 1984); also Athanasius. “Contra Gentes” and “De Incarnatione”, ed. and trans. R. W. Thomson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971). 7. CPG 2145. 8. CPG 2101. 9. CPG 2102. references Q 3, 20–79 — Dr, 207–13 — CPG 2000–2309 — TLG 2035 — Cath 1, 974–80, G. Bardy — DHGE 4, 1313–40, G. Bardy — DSp 1, 1047–52, G. Bardy — EEC 12 , 137–40, C. Kannengiesser — EECh 1, 93–95, G. C. Stead — LThK 1, 976–81, P.-Th. Camelot — LThK 13 , 1126–30, C. Kannengiesser — NCE 1, 996–99, V. C. De Clerq — RAC 1, 860–66, G. Gentz — TRE 4, 333–49 — Dihle, Greek and Latin, 409–12 — C. Kannengiesser, Gestalten 1 (1984), 266–83 ON ILLUSTRIOUS MEN 121 ...
