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“Mort et Résurrection du Christ dans les traités Contre Eunome de Grégoire de Nysse,” RSR 64 (1990): 127–40; J. L. Bastero, “Los titulos cristologicos en el Contra Eunomium 1 de San Gregorio de Nisa,” in El “Contra Eunomium I” (1988), 407–19; M. R. Barnes, “The Polemical Context and Content of Gregory of Nyssa’s Psychology,” Medieval Philosophy and Theology 4 (1994): 1–24. 5. alia multa: one would have expected at least a nod in the direction of his extensive exegetical work; cf. Q 3, 263–269. See C. Fabricius and D. Riddings, “A computer-made concordance to the works of Gregory,” in El “Contra Eunomium I” (1988), 431–33; R. E. Heine, trans., Gregory of Nyssa’s Treatise on the Inscriptions of the Psalms (Oxford); S. Hall, ed., Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on Ecclesiastes (Berlin and New York, 1993); P. Huybrechts, “Le ‘Traité de la virginité’ de Grégoire de Nysse. Idéal de vie monastique ou idéal de vie chrétienne?” NRTh 115 (1993): 227–42; Gregorio de Nisa. Sobre la vida de Moisés, trans. with intro. and notes by L. F. Mateo-Seco (Madrid, 1993); Gregorio de Nisa. Commentario al Cantar de los Cantares, ed. T. H. Martín (Salamanca, 1993); E. Peroli, Il Platonismo e l’antropologia filosofica di Gregorio de Nisa (Milan, 1993). references Q 3, 254–96 — Dr, 231–36 — TLG 2017 — CPG 2, 3135–3226 — DHGE 22, 20–24, P. Maraval — DSp 6, 971–1011, M. Canévet — EEC 12 , 495–98, D. L. Balás — EECh 1, 363–65, J. Gribomont — LThK 43 , 1007–8, W. D. Hauschild — NCE 6, 794–96, R. F. Harvanek — RAC 12, 863–95, H. Dörrie — TRE 14, 173–81, D. L. Balás — Dihle, Greek and Latin, 550–51 — Gestalten 2, 37–47, art., “Makrina,” F. van der Meer — Gestalten 2, 49–62, E. Mühlenberg For bibliography see M. Altenberger and F. Mann, Bibliographie zu Gregor von Nyssa. Editionen, Übersetzungen, Literatur (Leiden, 1988); E. Moutsoula, (bibl. to 1968); M. M. Bergadá (Buenos Aires, 1970). CXXIX. JOHN THE PRESBYTER ohn, a priest of the church of Antioch,1 a disciple of Eusebius of Emesa2 and of Diodore,3 is said to have composed many works; the only one of which I have read is Peri; J ierwsuvnh~, On the Priesthood.4 162 ST. JEROME ...
