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INDEX OF HOLY SCRIPTURE Genesis !.l: 37.8(2); 43.1 7 1.3: 44·4 1.4-5: 44·4 2·7: 32.6(3) 3.1: 42.11(1) 3·3-4: 42.11(1) 3.6: 43. 13 3·9: 49.20 3.19: 42.11(1) 11.27: 28·3(2) 11.31: 28·3(2) 13.8: 28.3(2) 14.14: 28·3(2) 17·g-14: 30.4 17.12: 30.4 19.24: 51.3(1) 24.2-3: 43.16(3) 24·2-4: 43. 16(3) 28.2: 28.3(2) 29.10-15: 28·3(2) 37·28: 41.2(2) 49.10: 31.11(2) Exodus 1.8-14: 28·9(2) 1.11-14: 41.2(2) 3.6: 49. 1 5(1) 3.13-14: 38.8(2) 3.14: 38.8(2); 39.8(2); 4°·3(2) 3.15: 38.8(2); 49. 15(1) 12·7: 50.2(3) 12.22: 50.2(3) 13.3: 41.2(2) 20.2: 41.2(2) 20.10: 30.4 (Books of the Old Testament) 20.12-17: 49. 15(1) 20.17: 41.12(4) 30·7: 49.27(2) 3u8: 33·5(2); 49.22(1) 32.32-33: 45.6(3) 33.13: 53. 12(1) Leviticus 1.7-10: 41.6 4.4: 41.6 4.15: 41.6 4.24: 41.6 4·29: 41.6 4.33: 41.6 10.1-2: 49.27(2) 12·3: 30·4 23.8: 44·9(1) Numbers 16: 49.27(2) 20.11: 28.9(4) Deuteronomy 5.6: 41.2(2) 6.16: 51.10(2) 13·3: 43·5 19·5: 36.10 29·3: 53·5(2) 4 Kings 24.10-16: 41.2(2) Tobit 2.11: 35.3(2) 4. 16: 49. 12(3) Job 1.6-12: 41.9(2) 321 9.24: 28.2 14·4-5: 41.9(2) Psalms 3.6: 47·7(2) 3·9: 34·4(1) 4-7: 40·9(2) 5·5: 34·7(1) 6·7: 34·7(2) 17.45: 31.10(2) 18.10: 43.5 2u7-19: 35·7(2) 21.26: 35.7(2) 21.28-19: 35·7(2) 24.8: 33·7 24. 18: 49.20 35.7: 52.6(1); 53.6(2) 35.7-8: 30·3(3); 34·3 35.8: 34.4(1) 35.8- 10: 3°·3(4) 35·9: 34·4(1) his 35.10: 34-4 his, 5, 8 37.10: 34·7(2) 39.15: 38.2(1); 5°·3 42.1: 43·9(2); 44.17(2); 52.6(1) 44·4-5: 33·4(2) 44.8: 43. 11 49.3: 38.6(3), 11; 37.10(1) 50.10: 38.10(2) 56.5: 42.11 (2) 67.21: 43. 11 68.22: 31.6(2); 37·9(2) 68.29: 45.6(3) 72.1-3: 28·7(2) 74.3: 28.6(1) 322 INDEX OF HOLY SCRIPTURE Psalms (Continued) 20.8-9: 41.8(1) 79.8: 53.11 23.1- 2: 47.2(2) 81.6: 48.9; 54.2(4) 27·2: 36.3(2) 84.12: 34·9(1); 41.1(3) Song of Songs 85.11: 45.13(5) (Canticle of 85.15: 33·7 Canticles) 87·5: 41.6 1.3: 50·7(1) 93.14: 28.6(2) 93.14-15: 28.6(2) Wisdom 93.15: 28·7(1) 1.1: 46.3(1) 96.3: 28.11 1.11: 47.8 100.1: 36.4(3); 54.5 2.24: 42.11(1) n. 101.28: 38.11(2) 9.15: 35·9 103.23: 45. 15(2) 103.24: 37.8(2) Sirach 107.6: 51.8(2) 3.22: 53·7(1) 109. 1: 48.3(3) 5·8-9: 33.8(4) 115.10: 45·9(2) 18·30: 41.12(4) 115.11: 39.8(3) 115.15: 47.2(2) Isaiah 115.16: 34.8 1.3: 51.6 117.15: 45. 13(2) 5.20: 28.8(1) 117.22: 52.13 6.10: 53.5 117.26: 51.2(1); 52-4 7·9: 29.6(2); 45·7 118·73: 40·5(3) 120·4: 43.2(2) 126.1: 43.2(2); 52.9 131.17-18: 35.2(2...
