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GENERAL FOREWORD Father Leo P. McCauley is responsible for the translation, with notes, of the Lenten (pre-baptismal) Lectures 1-12. Father A. A. Stephenson is responsible for the General Introduction and the Procatechesis. Except where otherwise noted, the text translated is that of the W. K. Reischl and J. Rupp edition of the works of Cyril (Munich 1848-1860). Father Stephenson writes as follows on certain matters: My general introduction is heavily indebted to many scholars. While most of these debts are indicated, however inadequately and implicitly, in the Select Bibliography , I gladly mention here how much lowe to that great CyriIIine scholar, Dom A. A. Toutee, O.S.B., and to the Patristic Greek Lexicon edited by Dr. G. W. H. Lampe, who has conferred an inestimable boon on all students of the Greek Fathers. Instructive, however, as Toutee's dissertations, notes, and critical apparatus stilI are, there is as yet no modern critical edition of the works of Cyril, and it is good news that this need is very soon to be supplied by Pere E. Bihain. Throughout the volume "Lecture" may stand for Catechesis; in the General Introduction , "Eusebius" is always Eusebius of Caesarea, "Basil" is always Basil of Ancyra, "the East" does not include Egypt, and "Eastern theology" refers to the tradition originated by Origen and continued by, among others, Eusebius. A further volume in the series will contain, in addition to the Sermon on the Paralytic and the Letter to Constantius, the Lenten Lectures 13-18 and the lectures on the sacramental mysteries (Mystagogicae) delivered at Jerusalem during Easter vii viii ST. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM week, although the balance of probability slightly favors the view that these Mystagogical Catecheses are, at least in their present form, the work of Cyril's successor, John of Jerusalem. BERNARD M. PEEBLES Editorial Director ...
