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Index Abrams, Creighton, 61 absolutes, 17-19, 72, 170 n 41 abuse, 65-66, 170 n 42 Adams, John, 64 Adler, Mortimer, 186 n 23 American eagle, 18, 74, 11, 19, 146-47 anger, 52-53 Arendt, Hannah, 77-78 Aristotle, 11 Arlington National Cemetery, 3 Aspin, Les, 101 Atkinson, Rick, 41, 84 Augustine, Saint, 134 authority, 77-78, 82 Axinn, Sidney, 139 Bailey, Stephen, 81 Ballou, Sullivan, 121-23 Barkalow, Carol, 99-100, 175 n 2 Bennett, William, 139 Berlin Wall, 61-62 Brandeis, Louis, 34 Brennan, Joseph, 75 Bucher, Lloyd, 25-26, 158 nn 6, 7 Burke, Edmund, 49 Butler, William E, 134 Cahn, Steven, 135-36 Calley, William, Jr., 19, 29, 31, 110 Campbell, Harold, 32-33; comparison with John Singlaub, 160 n 35 Camus, Albert, 93 cardinal virtues, 60, 64, 171 n 1 Carver, George, Jr., 31 case studies, 60-64, 117-19 Challans, Tim, 53 character: signs of, 5, 18, 20, 41, 44, 60, 64, 73, 137, 169 n 25, 172 n 7; definition of, 117 Cheney, Richard, 35 civilian control of the military, 35-37, 149,152-53 civil-military relations, 161 n 39 Clark, Mark, 46 Clinton, Bill, 102,160 n 35 Code of Conduct, 7, 24, 26, 90-91 codes of military ethics, proposed, 8590 colleges: academic standards in, 5, 31, 139,147,164 n 14,183 nn 6, 7 Collins, J. Lawton, 34 Colson, Charles, 24 conscience, 17, 21, 28, 59 Cornum, Rhonda, 99-100 Crabb, Cecil, 80 crimes vs. mistakes, 173 n 31 cultural relativism, 9-12,170 n 41 Davenport, Manuel, 33-34,135 definition: problem of, 8-9 de Gaulle, Charles, 115 Denfield, Louis, 35,180 n 69 discipline: lack of, 47-48; need for, 5657 ,166 n 30 discrimination, 102-4,164 n 16 disobedience. See obedience Dixon, Norman, 43-44 Dodd, Francis, 24 dogma: definition of, 84-85 Downs, Fred, 41-42 Draude, Thomas, 100 Dugan, Michael, 35 Dunlap, Charles, Jr., 126-27 duty, sense of, 121-23 "Duty, Honor, Country" (motto of U.S. Military Academy), 153; inadequacy of phrase, 57, 66-67,149 East of Eden (novel), 181 n 20 200 INDEX education: problems of, 12-14,19, 72, 121,135-36,138-39,169 n 29 egoism, 81,123-29,181 nn 24, 25 Eidsmoe, John, 102 Ellis, Larry, 103 Enlightenment, 75-76, 79 entertainment industry, 14-15 ethics: definition of, 9-10,155 n 8; sources of, 16-19, 83-84,148; recommendation for education in, for, 136-37,188 n 25 ethics, business, 2 ethics, military: definition of, 4, 7, 20, 96; developing courses in, 13946 evil: reality of, 76, 82; and media, 172 n l 2 Fehrenbach, T.R., 47-49 Few Good Men, A (movie), 116 Fletcher, Joseph, 157 n 29 Foote, Evelyn, 100-101 Frankena, William, 138 fraternization, 106-10; defined, 107, 113 fraud, 65-66,170 n 42 Freeman, Douglas S., 73 Gabriel, Richard, 111, 126,164 n 10, 165 n 27,186 n 30 Gens, 138,141 Glosson, Buster, 150 Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986,36, 162 nn 42, 43 Grapes of Wrath, The (novel), 138 Gray, J. Glenn, 63 Gropman, Alan, 102 Hackett, Sir John, 3, 20,27-28,115 Hackworth, David, 104 Hale, Nathan, 58,168 n 7 Hamilton, Alexander, 45 Harlan, John M, 84 Hartle, Anthony, 58-59, 64, 84 Hayes, Anna Mae, 97 Henry V (play), 58,121 heroes, 81-82,93,120,141,186 n 26 Highet, Gilbert, 148 Hirsch, E.D., 13-14 Hoffman, Abbie, 92 Hoisington, Elizabeth, 97 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 5, 122, 162 n 46, 183 n 43 homosexuals in the military, 101-6, 113, 151-52, 177 nn 30, 34, 178 nn 46, 47, 48 Honor Code of US. Air Force Academy , 85 Horowitz, David, 99 Huet-Vaughn, Yolanda, 58 Huntington, Samuel, 35, 37, 58, 119 integrity, 64, 70-73, 83, 149-50 Jackson, Robert H., 59 Janowitz, Morris, 119-20 Joad, C.E.M., 129, 182 n 42 Johnson, Kermit, 134-35 Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics (JSCOPE), 146 Kant, Immanuel, 156 n 27, 183 n 45 Kelso, Frank, II, 109, 150-51 Kempton, Murray, 125 Kilpatrick, William, 13-14, 45, 131, 140-41 Kirk, Russell, 77, 84-85, 140-41 Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 64 Kristol, Irving, 1-2 Larned, Charles, 129 Lavelle, John, 117 leadership, 73, 82-84, 164 n 19 library classifications, 137, 184 n 9 Lloyd George, David, 116 Lord Jim (novel), 121 "Lottery, The" (short story), 9-10, 17 loyalty, 71-72...
