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Index Abrahams, Roger D., 161–62 Absence, 91 Achebe, Chinua, 146 Africans in Colonial Louisiana (Hall, G.), 33 Africa Writes Back to Self (Mwangi), 153–54 The Agronomist, 99–100 Aimé Césaire: Une traversée paradoxale du siècle (Aimé Césaire: A Paradoxical Journey through the Century) (Confiant), 168, 172 America: Kincaid on, 22, 26; Laferrière on, 21, 23; as tabula rasa, 21–22 Antigone (Sophocles), 106 Antillanité (Glissant), 10, 170–71 The Anxiety of Influence (Bloom), 169–70 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 58 Aragon, Louis, 172 Archipelagic chaos, 7 Arendt, Hannah, 3 Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 90 Ashcroft, Bill, 6, 153–54, 165–66, 187n1 Auschwitz et après: aucun de nous ne reviendra (Auschwitz and After: None of Us Will Return) (Delbo), 122 Authenticity: Condé on, 62; Delsham on, 63; slavery and, 63 Authority, 109 Autochtone, 35 Bachelard, Gaston, 130; on home, 133–34 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 83 Baldwin, James, 49, 73, 158, 185n45; Cleaver on, 164; dozens and, 162–64; on Wright, 162–64; Wright on, 198n37 Barthes, Roland, 141–42 Bataille, Georges, 177, 201n96 Baudrillard, Jean, 119 La belle Créole (The Beautiful Creole) (Condé), 69 Benesch, Klaus, 10 Benítez-Rojo, Antonio, 7, 171 Bernabé, Jean, 6, 10, 170–71; on Cabort-Masson , 175; on Césaire, 171; on Creole, 32–33, 35; insults acknowledged by, 175–76 Bernays, Anne, 48 Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black America (Boykin), 86–87, 190n86 Bhabha, Homi, 115; on home, 147; on hybridity , 108; on striking feature, 51 Bilby, Kenneth, on maroons, 15 Birbalsingh, Frank, 144 Bissoondath, Neil, 83 The Black Atlantic (Gilroy), 26–27, 156–57 Black diaspora, 2; bonding experience of, 156; diversity of, 157; Gilroy on, 156–57; individualism and, 156 Black Like Me (Griffin), 41 Bleu-blanc-rouge (Blue-White-Red) (Mabanc-kou), 61 Bloom, Harold: on clinamen, 170; on poetic influence, 169–70 Index 216 Bongie, Chris: on Condé, 57–58; on Danticat, 93–94; on Glissant, 157–58; mission of, 94 Bonniol, Jean-Luc, 183n4 Bossale, 26, 150, 156; Condé on, 160–61; as ruse, 160–61 Boyarin, Daniel, 50 Boyers, Robert, 148 Boykin, Keith, 86–87, 190n86 Brathwaite, Edward, 3; on maroons, 14–15 Braziel, Jana Evans, 90, 125; on academia, 91; on diaspora, 2 Breath, Eyes, Memory (Danticat), 92; Danticat clarifying, 113 Breton, André, 177, 201n96; Césaire endorsed by, 163–64 Britton, Celia M., 157 Brontë, Charlotte, 53, 55, 186n87 Brossard, Chandler, 41 Brother, I’m Dying (Danticat), 92, 99; as selfserving , 114 Brown, Tina, 42 Broyard, Anatole, 4, 9; background of, 19, 29–30; Bernays on, 48; Broyard, B., on, 37; Gaddis on, 52; Gates on, 17, 19, 29, 31, 36, 37, 48–50, 185n43, 185n45; passing as white, 19, 24, 29, 36–37; sexuality of, 48–49; sexualization of, 46–48; on style, 49; true story of, 19 Broyard, Bliss, 29, 30–31; on Broyard, A., 37; Gates corresponding with, 41–42; narrative style of, 48–49; “White Like Me” reactions, 42–43 Buisseret, David, 35 Burton, Richard, 16 Butel, Paul, 16 Butler, Judith: on insults, 147; on norms, 51; on “Paris Is Burning,” 51–52; on Passing, 43, 44–45 Cabort-Masson, Guy, 175 Cahier d’un retour au pays natal (Notebook of a Return to the Native Land) (Césaire), 3, 163–64 Caliban, 165; Derrida on, 80; as distortion, 79–80; original, 79; as semantic displacement , 73–83; Vaughan on, 189n69 Caligula (Camus), 106 Calypso amnesia, 62 Camus, Albert, 106 Cannibal/cannibalism: Condé and, 75–77; Japanese, 75; rite preceding act, 190n73; Rosello on, 80; Schneebaum on, 80; as semantic displacement, 73–83 Cantique des tourterelles (Song of the Turtledoves ) (Pépin), 68 Carr, Brian, 43–46 Catachresis, 170; Chambers on, 75; Condé and, 75 Cazenave, Odile, 7, 142, 154 Célanire cou-coupé (Who Slashed Célanire’s Throat?) (Condé), 68–69 Célérier, Patrica, 7, 142, 154 Césaire, Aimé, 3, 79, 96, 166; Bernabé on, 171; Breton endorsing, 163–64; Chamoiseau on, 171; Confiant on, 167–72, 174–75; Confiant ’s open letter to, 167–68; on Depestre, 172, 200n66; recognition of, 167 Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit? (Why Must a Black Writer Write about Sex?) (Laferri ère), 95 La chair de maître (The Flesh of the Master) (Laferrière), 106 Chambers, Ross: on catachresis, 75; on loitering , 137; on testimonials, 109, 115, 116 Chamoiseau, Patrick, 5, 6, 10, 17–18, 156, 170–71...
