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Tables 4.1. Recorded radial and arc burial patterns in peninsular Florida 95 6.1. Commonly accepted Alachua chronology and associated pottery types 130 6.2. Calibrated radiocarbon dates from Alachua sites 134 6.3. Frequency of Alachua surface treatments from Rocky Point 135 7.1. Calibrated radiocarbon dates for Fig Springs, South End Village (8Co1) 157 7.2. Ceramic types identified within the Suwannee Valley series at Fig Springs, 1990 159 7.3. Decorative overtreatments identified within the Suwannee Valley series at Fig Springs, 1990 161 7.4. Rim profile distribution by ceramic type at Fig Springs, 1990 163 7.5. Indigenous food taxa identified from all Suwannee Valley contexts, including mission-era Jefferson components, Fig Springs, 1988–1990 168 9.1. Radiocarbon dates cited in text 194 9.2. Archaeological history of the Lake Jackson site (8Le1) 198 9.3. Overview of the Lake Jackson mounds 200 9.4. Summary of site development and ceramic chronology at the Lake Jackson site 203 9.5. Summary of mortuary data from Lake Jackson Mound 3 205 9.6. Mound sites in the Tallahassee Red Hills area 213 10.1. Details of Fort Walton radiocarbon dates discussed in this chapter 242 10.2. Temper in two diagnostic Fort Walton ceramic types in the Perry Collection, Curlee site (8Ja7) 248 10.3. Maize from Fort Walton sites in the Apalachicola/lower Chattahoochee Valley 264 11.1. Total Mississippi-period sites in five northwest Florida counties 280 x · Tables 11.2. Calibrated radiocarbon date information for sites discussed in chapter 282 11.3. Sherds recovered from the Hickory Ridge site 287 11.4. Naval Live Oaks Cemetery Lazarus Collection, National Park Service, Southeastern Archeological Center 288 ...
